
Food-related business ledger

Public health centers established by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government publish information on facilities that have obtained licenses and notifications to operate food-related businesses. * Excludes mobile sales, temporary sales, car...

Food-related business ledger

Public health centers established by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government publish information on facilities that have obtained licenses and notifications to operate food-related businesses. * Excludes mobile sales, temporary sales, car...

Long-term care insurance premium

subject Insurance premiums for primary insured persons The income level of long-term care insurance premiums for insured persons aged 65 and over is determined each fiscal year based on the...

Long-term care insurance premium

subject Insurance premiums for primary insured persons The income level of long-term care insurance premiums for insured persons aged 65 and over is determined each fiscal year based on the...

Cradle Katsushika

すべての妊婦さんへ ~ゆりかご面接のご案内~ 葛飾区では、妊娠・出産・子育て支援

Cradle Katsushika

すべての妊婦さんへ ~ゆりかご面接のご案内~ 葛飾区では、妊娠・出産・子育て支援

Regarding the issuance of a certificate of medi...


Regarding the issuance of a certificate of medi...


[For foreigners] Get the vaccine

接種クーポン(くーぽん)券 について豊島区に 住所の 登録を している人に 豊島

[For foreigners] Get the vaccine

接種クーポン(くーぽん)券 について豊島区に 住所の 登録を している人に 豊島

Child influenza vaccination cost subsidy


Child influenza vaccination cost subsidy
