
About vaccination against Omicron strain


About vaccination against Omicron strain


New Coronavirus Infectious Disease Independence...

お知らせ 初回・再支給共に令和4年12月31日で申請受付を終

New Coronavirus Infectious Disease Independence...

お知らせ 初回・再支給共に令和4年12月31日で申請受付を終

New Coronavirus Infectious Disease Independence...

お知らせ 初回・再支給共に令和4年12月31日で申請受付を終

New Coronavirus Infectious Disease Independence...

お知らせ 初回・再支給共に令和4年12月31日で申請受付を終

Summary of the new coronavirus infection

新型コロナウイルス感染症に関するまとめ最終更新日 令和5年

Summary of the new coronavirus infection

新型コロナウイルス感染症に関するまとめ最終更新日 令和5年

[3rd, 4th and 5th inoculation] Vaccine for Omic...

目次オミクロン株対応ワクチン接種を実施しています 区集団接

[3rd, 4th and 5th inoculation] Vaccine for Omic...

目次オミクロン株対応ワクチン接種を実施しています 区集団接

telephone relay service

content This is a public infrastructure service provided by the government that enables immediate two-way communication over the phone by having an operator interpret the conversation between a person with...

telephone relay service

content This is a public infrastructure service provided by the government that enables immediate two-way communication over the phone by having an operator interpret the conversation between a person with...