
新型(しんがた)コロナについて 東京都(とうきょうと)からのお願(ねが)いです

東京都(とうきょうと)の 「リバウンド警戒(けいかい)期間(きかん)」が 終(お)わりりました。

今(いま)、大切(たいせつ)なことは、 また 新型(しんがた)コロナになる人(ひと)が 増(ふ)えないように することです。

新型(しんがた)コロナにならないよう 生活(せいかつ)を してください。

みなさんの 協力(きょうりょく)が 必要(ひつよう)です。 お願(ねが)いします。

▶新型(しんがた)コロナウイルスCOVID-19について 東京都(とうきょうと)からの お願(ねが)い [5月22日まで]

やさしい日本語(PDFファイル; 402KB)

新型(しんがた)コロナウイルス COVID-19 についてみなさんにお願(ねが)いします

感染拡大防止のための留意点 Precautions to be taken to prevent the spread of infection


In order to help prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus, please keep the following points in mind when attending events and dining together.


If you are not feeling well, do not attend events and refrain from dining together.


Refrain from participating in events and from dining in places where conditions such as closed spaces, crowding and close- contact settings are likely, or where basic infection prevention measures are not thoroughly implemented. In particular, refrain from participating in events or parties where large numbers of people are crowded together and where people are talking loudly.


When participating in events and dining together, ensure that appropriate infection prevention measures are taken, such as keeping an appropriate distance from other people, sanitizing your hands and fingers, wearing masks, and refraining from talking loudly.


Refrain as much as possible from participating in events on the streets or in restaurants that involve consuming alcohol in larger quantities or late at night, while taking into consideration the religious and cultural characteristics of such events.


Consider new ways of enjoying yourself, such as spending time at home with your family or participating in online events, depending on your needs.


If you are suspecting that you have been infected with the novel coronavirus and have questions about receiving a medical examination, etc., call the consultation service of the local government in the area where you live.


東京都多言語相談ナビ(とうきょうと たげんご そうだん ナビ )」へ相談(そうだん)してください

Tokyo Multilingual Consultation Navi

相談(そうだん)するときは 、電話(でんわ)します。

Contact by phone to have a consultation.

電話(でんわ Phone) 03-6258-1227 げつようび~きんようび(Monday to Friday)10:00~16:00

(どようび にちようび しゅくじつ は おやすみ)(Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays)


You can have a consultation in non-Japanese languages here.

くわしくは チラシ または ホームページを みてください。

For more information, please see the flyer in PDF. (Easy Japanese)

チラシ(Flyer)(PDFファイル; 355KB)

東京都多言語相談ナビ(とうきょうと たげんご そうだん ナビ Tokyo Multilingual Consultation Navi)(外部(がいぶ)ページにリンクします)
