Handling of antigen test kits for new coronavir...
What is an antigen test kit? There are two types of antigen test kits: medical antigen test kits and general antigen test kits (OTC). Products that are not intended for...
What is an antigen test kit? There are two types of antigen test kits: medical antigen test kits and general antigen test kits (OTC). Products that are not intended for...
What is an antigen test kit? There are two types of antigen test kits: medical antigen test kits and general antigen test kits (OTC). Products that are not intended for...
Strengthening of the inspection system assuming simultaneous epidemic with seasonal influenza this winter The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's New Coronavirus Infectious Disease Control Headquarters has requested to strengthen...
Strengthening of the inspection system assuming simultaneous epidemic with seasonal influenza this winter The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's New Coronavirus Infectious Disease Control Headquarters has requested to strengthen...
お子さまが罹患者・濃厚接触者になった場合について お子さま
お子さまが罹患者・濃厚接触者になった場合について お子さま
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