Independence support medical care (nurturing medical care) benefits

For children with physical disabilities, we will provide the medical benefits necessary to acquire the ability to live at designated medical institutions.


Children under the age of 18 who have a physical disability and who can expect a definite therapeutic effect. Please contact us for more information.


At the health center, receive an application form for medical expenses for independence support (medical care for fostering) and documents such as a statement of opinion, fill in the required items, and submit it to the health center in charge

Inquiries about this page

Ushigome Health Center
Phone: 03-3260-6231 FAX: 03-3260-6223

Yotsuya Health Center
Phone: 03-3351-5161 FAX: 03-3351-5166

Higashi-Shinjuku Health Center
Phone: 03-3200-1026 FAX: 03-3200-1027

Ochiai Health Center
Phone: 03-3952-7161 FAX: 03-3952-9943

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