From September 1, 2020, Nakano Ward has conducted a forgetfulness examination. The purpose of the forgetfulness examination is to enable people to quickly notice "mild cognitive impairment," which is the pre-stage of dementia, and to incorporate measures into their lives to delay the onset of dementia. This year's checkup is until February 28, 2023. If you are eligible, please see a doctor as soon as possible.

Examination subject
Those who have an address in Nakano Ward and will be between 70 and 75 years old as of March 31, 2023
(Persons eligible for the 2022 medical examination: Those born between April 1, 1947 and March 31, 1953)
・At the end of August 2022, we mailed consultation tickets to those who turned 75 years old. For those who moved to Nakano Ward after September, we will mail you a consultation ticket. If you cannot find your ticket, please contact the person in charge below.
Community Comprehensive Care Promotion Division
・Those aged between 70 and 74 must apply. ( Click here for application)
* Those who have already been diagnosed and treated for dementia are not eligible.
*If you are not eligible for the checkup and have any concerns, such as forgetting things, please contact the Comprehensive Community Care Promotion Section or the Comprehensive Community Support Center .
Implementation period
From September 1, 2020 (Thursday) to February 28, 2023 (Tuesday)
How to see a doctor
Please make an appointment at a medical institution listed in the list of medical institutions before undergoing a medical examination.
・If you need to visit a specialized medical institution for a forgetfulness checkup, the consultation fee at the specialized medical institution will be treated as insurance medical treatment (paid).
・Consultation ticket/consultation sticker (consultation ticket and staples are attached)
・Insurance card of the patient
*If you are taking medicine, please bring your medicine notebook.
Examination contents
・Interview by Nakano City dementia advisor doctor and Tokyo support doctor
・Cognitive function test
Forgetfulness check-up medical institution
How to apply for those aged 70 to 74
Fill out the " Forgetfulness Examination Ticket Application Form " that is installed at the Ward Office 6th Floor Counter 4, Regional Comprehensive Support Center , Medical Institution, or printed out by yourself, and mail it or directly to the Ward Office 6th Floor 4 Please bring it to the counter. (Applications by phone are not accepted)
If you are concerned about dementia, try the "Dementia awareness checklist that you can do yourself" (Tokyo Metropolitan Government website. Opens in a new window.)! Just click on a question to get your total score.
Please see the following website for dementia in Nakano Ward.
・Dementia support in Nakano Ward
・Prepare for the era of 100 years of life! Please utilize dementia relief guide
Inquiries about this page
Regional Comprehensive Care Promotion Section , Regional Support Promotion Department
4-8-1 Nakano, Nakano-ku, Tokyo 164-8501
telephone number 03-3228-5804 | fax number 03-3228-8716 | Mail form
Reception time From 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday (except holiday, New Year holidays)