Frequently Asked Questions and Answers (New Coronavirus Infection)

Frequently asked questions and answers to the New Corona Consultation Center (Nerima Ward)

Frequently asked questions and answers to the new coronavirus vaccination call center (Nerima Ward)

Frequently asked questions and answers by field

"Frequently asked questions and answers" of the country and capital

Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare "New Corona Vaccine Q&A" "Q&A on New Coronavirus Infection"

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology "For School Reopening (Q&A)"

Tokyo Metropolitan Government "New Coronavirus Infection FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)"

"Frequently Asked Questions and Answers" in Nerima Ward

About symptoms and examinations

Frequently asked questions and answers about "Symptoms/Tests"
question Answer
1 What should I do if I have symptoms that may indicate coronavirus, such as a cough or fever? (1) Those who are subject to an outbreak notification (65 years old or older, those who require hospitalization, those who are at risk of aggravation and who need new coronavirus therapeutic drugs or oxygen administration, pregnant women) Please consult a medical institution for examination.
(2) Persons who are not subject to notification of outbreaks (those other than those listed above) should check the test results with a "self-test/free test" using an antigen test kit, and if they are suspected to be positive, report "Tokyo Positive Please get a doctor's diagnosis by applying to the "person registration center". (You can also visit a "Medical and Examination Medical Institution".)
For those with symptoms suspected of being infected
2 I want to get an antigen test kit. What should I do? The Tokyo Metropolitan Government is distributing free of charge to those who have symptoms and those who have been in close contact.
It can also be purchased at pharmacies and online. Please use those labeled as "in vitro diagnostic drugs" or "class 1 drugs".
(1) Free distribution to those with symptoms (apply from the dedicated site)
(2) Distribution to symptomatic persons through medical institutions (distributed by distribution cooperating medical institutions)
(3) Free distribution to close contacts (apply from the dedicated site)
Antigen test kit for those with symptoms suspected of being infected
3 I don't have symptoms, but I'm worried about infection, so I want to get tested. Those who are worried about infection are eligible for the "PCR and other tests free project" implemented by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
About free test such as PCR that Tokyo carries out
Four How do you judge a close contact person? Those who are in the following situations during the patient's infectious period (from 2 days before the onset of symptoms until being isolated).
・Persons who live with the patient or who have been in contact with the patient for a long time ・Persons who examined, nursed, cared for, or assisted the patient without proper infection protection ・Viruses such as respiratory secretions or body fluids Those who have directly touched a substance contaminated by a person who has been in direct contact with a patient for 15 minutes or more without taking necessary infection prevention measures at a distance where they can touch with their hands (1 meter as a guideline) *In addition to the above , Infectivity may be determined comprehensively based on individual circumstances such as the surrounding environment and contact status, and close contacts may be identified.
For those who have been in close contact

About examination fee and hospitalization fee

Frequently asked questions and answers about "examination fee / hospitalization fee"
question Answer
1 Will the cost of corona testing at medical institutions be subsidized? Expenses related to examinations will be covered by public funds if the doctor determines that they are necessary for diagnosis. However, the need to pay for examination fees (first-visit fees, etc.) at the time of examination is not covered by public funds, so you will have to pay it yourself.
2 If I am hospitalized due to coronavirus, will I be charged for hospitalization? Medical expenses related to hospitalization will be covered by public funds. However, if the total income-based amount of the municipal inhabitant tax for the household exceeds 564,000 yen, you will be required to pay up to 20,000 yen per month.
In addition, non-medical expenses such as hospital gown rental fee and TV card fee will be borne by the patient.

About medical treatment

Frequently asked questions and answers about "medical treatment"
question Answer
1 He tested positive for Corona and was treated at home. I would like to apply for a meal delivery service and pulse oximeter rental. An application to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government is required. *Some conditions apply.
(1) Those who are eligible to report an outbreak (65 years old or older, those who require hospitalization, those who are at risk of aggravation and who require administration of new coronavirus therapeutic drugs or oxygen administration, pregnant women)
Please apply to Uchisapo Tokyo (Phone: 0120-670-440 or Internet reception).
(2) Persons who are not subject to notification of outbreak (those other than the above)
You can apply when you register with the Tokyo Positive Person Registration Center.
For those who tested positive
2 I want to know the period of medical treatment for Corona. (1) For those with symptoms If 7 days have passed since the day of onset of symptoms and 24 hours have passed since the symptoms subsided, the cancellation will be possible from the 8th day. (If the symptoms have not improved on the 7th day, it can be canceled after 24 hours have passed since the symptoms improved.)
*In addition, for those who are hospitalized (including those in facilities for the elderly), if 10 days have passed from the date of onset of symptoms and 72 hours have passed since the symptoms subsided, the cancellation will be canceled from the 11th day. is possible. (If the symptoms have not improved on the 10th day, it can be canceled 72 hours after the symptoms have improved.)
(2) Asymptomatic patients If 7 days have passed since the sample collection date was day 0, medical treatment can be canceled on day 8. (If a negative result is confirmed by the test kit on the 5th day, the waiting period can be canceled after 5 days have passed (day 6).)
About the medical treatment period for those who have tested positive
3 Can I go out even though I am undergoing corona treatment? If a symptomatic person has passed 24 hours after their symptoms have subsided, or if they are asymptomatic, they should only go out or interact with others for a short period of time, do not use public transportation when traveling, and when going out or interacting with others It is allowed to go out for the minimum necessary amount, such as shopping for groceries, on the premise that you will take voluntary infection prevention actions such as wearing a mask at all times.
Four Corona treatment period is over. Have you been contacted by the health department? Should I check again? We do not contact the public health center when the medical treatment ends. If you meet the criteria for the end of the medical treatment period, you can return to your normal life as it is without a negative confirmation.
In addition, it is not necessary to submit a certificate when an infected person or a person who has had close contact starts working at a workplace, etc. (Negative tests are not recommended for social reintegration because there is a high possibility that positive results will come out again in tests immediately after the end of medical treatment.)
Five I became positive for Corona, and my family became positive just before the end of the medical treatment period. Do I need to be a close contact person and restrict going out? Even if family members living together have different onset dates, treatment will be completed in order of completion of the treatment period. It is not necessary to match the duration of treatment with the latest onset date. In addition, even if a family member, etc. living together becomes positive during the medical treatment period, the person who is already receiving medical treatment will not become a close contact again.
6 I want a certificate that I have contracted the novel coronavirus. (1) Persons subject to notification of outbreak (65 years old or older, those requiring hospitalization, those at risk of aggravation and requiring administration of new coronavirus therapeutic drugs or oxygen administration, pregnant women)
After completing the medical treatment period, you can issue a certificate on the My HER-SYS screen.
(2) Out of scope for notification of outbreak (persons other than the above)
As a general rule, public health centers cannot issue medical certificates. Please use alternative documents such as the result notification email from the positive person registration center.
Regarding the issuance of a certificate of medical treatment, etc. for those who have tested positive

About disinfection

Frequently asked questions and answers about "disinfection"
question Answer
1 Will the public health center do the disinfection? Each family and company will implement it. If you need advice on how to disinfect, please contact the Sanitation Division of the public health center.
Person in charge of environmental hygiene monitoring, Sanitation Division (03-5984-2485)
2 How much does disinfection cost? I can't give you a general answer because it depends on the size.
3 How effective is disinfection? how many times should i do it Disinfection is effective in one time if done properly. If you need advice on how to disinfect, please contact the Sanitation Division of the public health center.
Person in charge of environmental hygiene monitoring, Sanitation Division (03-5984-2485)

Frequently asked questions and answers by field


Frequently Asked Questions and Answers About "Taxes"
question Answer
1 I want to file a resident tax return, but I can't go to the counter to prevent the spread of coronavirus infections. You can declare by mail. The report form can be downloaded from the Nerima City website "Regarding Resident Tax Report". In addition, if you call the tax department tax individual section, we will mail the declaration form to your home, so please contact us.

National insurance pension

Frequently asked questions and answers about "National Health Insurance Pension"
question Answer
1 My income has decreased due to the effects of the new coronavirus infection, and I cannot pay my national pension insurance premiums. What should I do? Due to the impact of the recent new coronavirus infection, you are unemployed, have submitted a notification of business abolition (discontinuation) or suspension, or your income has decreased to a considerable extent. From May 2020, as a temporary special measure, those who have difficulty can apply for exemption from national pension insurance premiums through a simple procedure using the estimated income declared by the individual. For details, please refer to the following website.
Japan Pension Service (Utilization of exemption system)
Japan Pension Service (temporary special procedure)

Child care/education


Frequently asked questions and answers about "Health"
question Answer
1 Due to the influence of the new coronavirus, is it possible to send the maternal and child health handbook by mail? We pay close attention to the issuance of maternal and child health handbooks, and in principle we have resumed issuing them at the counter. If you would like to have it delivered by mail, please check the ward website "Issuance of Maternal and Child Health Handbook (Mother and Child Health Handbook)" or contact the Health Promotion Section Maternal and Child Health Section (03-5984-4621).
2 Due to the influence of the new coronavirus, is it possible to mail the procedure for the health checkup fee for pregnant women such as home delivery and the subsidy for newborn hearing examination expenses? In response to the declaration of a state of emergency due to the spread of the new coronavirus, we have started mailing procedures. For details on how to apply for the postal service, please refer to the ward website, "Regarding subsidies for health checkups for pregnant women and hearing tests for newborns," or contact the Health Promotion Section Maternal and Child Health Section (03-5984-4621).
3 About the implementation schedule of the infant medical checkup due to the influence of the new coronavirus Health checkups for infants and child-rearing consultations at health consultation centers have partially resumed. Please check the city website for "Consultation and lectures on health checkups and childcare for infants".
Four About consultation period of 6 months, 9 months, 1 year and 6 months medical examination due to the influence of new coronavirus In 2020, the deadline for consultation has been extended. Please check the city website for "Consultation and lectures on health checkups and childcare for infants". In addition, medical examination at a medical institution at home will be paid at your own expense.
Five Do you conduct health checkups and cancer screenings in 2020? Although the implementation was postponed to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection, the 2nd year of Reiwa health checkups and cancer screenings have started in July.

Benefits, loans, etc.

Please refer to the link below for support measures related to the new coronavirus infection.


Frequently asked questions and answers about "takeout delivery"
question Answer
1 Are there any restaurants that offer takeout or delivery? Information is available on the Nerima Tourism Center website, "Special Nerima" (
In order to support restaurants, etc. in the ward that have been greatly affected by the spread of the new coronavirus infection, Nerima Ward, the Nerima Ward Shopping District Association, and the Nerima Ward Industrial Promotion Public Corporation have collaborated to provide takeout (takeaway).・We have restaurants in the city that offer delivery services register and introduce them.
【Related Links】
・Special Nerima "Enjoyable Nerima rice feature at home" (external site)
・Special Nerima "Recruiting information on take-out and delivery stores!" (external site)
2 [For stores] I run a restaurant, but I'm in trouble because the number of customers is decreasing due to the new corona. I started takeout and delivery, but could you promote it? In order to support restaurants, etc. in the ward that have been greatly affected by the spread of the new coronavirus infection, Nerima Ward, the Nerima Ward Shopping District Association, and the Nerima Ward Industrial Promotion Public Corporation have collaborated to provide takeout (takeaway).・You can find information about restaurants in the city that offer delivery (delivery) on the website of the Nerima Tourism Center, "Special Nerima" ( This publication is free. For details on how to register, please visit the website.
【Related Links】
・Special Nerima "Recruiting information on take-out and delivery stores!" (external site)
・Special Nerima "Enjoyable Nerima rice feature at home" (external site)

Consumer affairs consultation

Common question and answer about "consumer affairs consultation"
question Answer
1 [About vaccination]
I received a phone call claiming to be from a local government saying, "It will cost 100,000 yen for the new coronavirus vaccination. I will send you the documents," but it is suspicious.
There has been a consultation that there was a suspicious call requesting money under the guise of a new coronavirus vaccination, pretending to be an administrative agency. Vaccines are free of charge as they are fully funded by the government.
In addition, there may be cases where personal information is asked, but the local government will not ask for personal information by phone or email. Stay away from suspicious calls.
Check frequently the information on vaccinations officially issued by the national and local governments [Related links]
Calling attention to opportunistic fraudulent business practices [Source: Consumer Affairs Agency] (PDF: 799KB)
2 [About suspicious calls]
I received a phone call claiming to be an employee of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, saying, "You should take a coronavirus test."
Consultations have been received that suspicious calls have been received pretending to be from the central government office.
There is a possibility of so-called "appointment calls", in which a phone call is made with the intention of obtaining personal information or confirming whereabouts.
Central government officials will not contact individuals by phone regarding the novel coronavirus. If you feel suspicious, hang up immediately.
3 [About suspicious emails]
I received an email saying, "We have received your mask order. We will ship it by cash on delivery."
If you receive an order e-mail for a product that you do not recognize, do not reply. If you contact them carelessly, they may ask you for your personal information and charge you money.
【Related Links】
[Tokyo Life WEB] Beware of tricks that exploit the difficulty of obtaining masks! ~ Malicious business methods that take advantage of the new coronavirus are occurring ~
Four [About side jobs]
My income has decreased due to the self-restraint of business at my part-time job, so I purchased an information product for my side business that I found in an advertisement on SNS. A few days later, I was solicited by the business operator over the phone saying, "You'll make a profit right away," and signed an additional expensive support contract. I want to cancel
Due to the impact of the new coronavirus infection, there are cases where people have trouble looking for a side job because their income has decreased.
In particular, if an advertisement on SNS is the trigger to purchase a relatively inexpensive "information product" that is called know-how for earning a high income from a side job or investment, an additional contract for expensive products and support will be made later. There are more consultations such as being solicited. It's not easy to earn a large amount of money. Don't take advertisements and solicitations with a grain of salt and consider them carefully. If you have any doubts about the content of the contract, please contact the Consumer Affairs Center.

Business/event relations

Please check the status of cancellations and postponements of projects and events from the links below.

Facility relations

Please check the status of temporary closures, closures, etc. of the facility from the link below.

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New coronavirus infectious disease related information (for those who tested positive, the number of positive people reported in the city, etc.)

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