Distribution of antigen qualitative test kits to symptomatic persons through medical institutions

Updated: October 5, 2022

In order to alleviate the concentration of tests and consultations due to the rapid spread of infection, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government will distribute antigen qualitative test kits to symptomatic persons through medical institutions and have them conduct tests in advance by themselves. going.
From August 5, 2020 (Friday), medical institutions that are ready will start sequentially. Also, the number is limited. Please check the specific situation with the medical institution in advance.

Eligible persons (Those who meet all of the following conditions)

  • Resident in Tokyo
  • Those who have symptoms suspected of being infected with the new coronavirus infection (symptomatic people)

Note: Among symptomatic people, it is assumed to be distributed mainly to those who are not at risk of exacerbation (those without underlying diseases, obesity (BMI 30 or higher), and those who are not likely to be pregnant). If you are at risk of aggravation, please consult a medical institution.
Note: The person who applied for the test kit must use it.
Note: Never transfer, sell or resell the test kit.

How to apply

It is necessary to contact the medical institution that cooperates in distributing the test kit in advance and fill out the distribution application form.
Please check the Tokyo Metropolitan Government website for details on how to apply and what to do after the inspection.

Distribution cooperation medical institutions in the city

Please check the Tokyo Metropolitan Government website for the latest list of locations in Tokyo.

If the antigen qualitative test kit is suspected to be positive

If the test result is "suspected positive", please consider visiting a medical institution or registering with the Tokyo Positive Person Registration Center as necessary.
For details, please see the following page.

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Tokyo test kit direct delivery business call center <br>Telephone: 0570-020-205
The call center is open from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. including Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.

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