Overview of the third inoculation
(explanatory note) We may change contents by examination of the council of country.
Please note: Those who have been vaccinated with "Novavacs (Takeda Vaccine)" after November 8, 2022 cannot receive the Omicron strain vaccine.
Target audience
Those aged 12 and over who have completed the 2nd vaccination and have passed 3 months
(explanatory note) We can inoculate from the same day three months later from day when we inoculated the second. If there is no same day after 3 months, you can inoculate from the 1st of the following month. (Example: 2nd vaccination date: November 30th, 3rd vaccination date: March 1st)
Those who received the vaccination abroad
Regardless of inoculations in Japan or overseas, the remaining number of vaccinations in Japan will be determined according to the number of vaccinations approved in Japan (Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca).
Way of thinking of the remaining number of times (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare document) (PDF: 354KB)
Out-of-address notification of inoculation
If you need vaccination outside your address, you will need to submit a notification of vaccination outside your address again at the timing when you reach the third vaccination time.
For information on how to apply, please refer to "Persons who want to be vaccinated in Nerima Ward" .
Vaccine used
Pfizer vaccine or Moderna vaccine (mRNA vaccine)
Regardless of the type of vaccine used for the 1st and 2nd doses, the Pfizer vaccine or Moderna vaccine will be administered.
Inoculation venue/reservation
About alternating vaccinations (vaccination different from the first and second vaccinations)
- It has been reported that the antibody titer of those who received the Pfizer vaccine in the first and second doses increased sufficiently in both cases of the third dose of the Pfizer vaccine and the Moderna vaccine. It has been.
- It has been reported that side reactions after the third injection of the Moderna vaccine have fewer symptoms such as fever compared to the second injection.
When to send the third vaccination ticket
It will be shipped two weeks before three months have passed since the date of the second vaccination. Please check the link below for details.
(Explanatory note) It may take about a week from shipment to arrival.
(Explanatory note) If the vaccination ticket does not arrive after the delivery time, please apply for issuance of the vaccination ticket.
When to send the 3rd, 4th, and 5th vaccination tickets
Additional (third) vaccination of the new coronavirus vaccine (manual)
Please read this notice and understand the effects and side effects of the vaccine before inoculating it.
New Corona Vaccine Additional (3rd) Notice (Instruction) (PDF: 5,173KB)
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Nerima Ward New Coronavirus Vaccination Call Center Phone: 0120-427-417 Fax: 03-3993-6553