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Countries and other countries have reported troubles related to the new coronavirus infection. We ask all consumers to identify correct information and act calmly as consumers.
The Setagaya Ward Consumer Affairs Center is responding to consumer affairs consultations related to the new coronavirus infection.
Please be careful about consumer troubles using the new coronavirus as an excuse
Consultation example
- I received a suspicious call claiming to be the city's new coronavirus countermeasures office and asking for personal information.
- I received an email in the name of a mobile phone company that will distribute new coronavirus-related subsidies.
- I received a call on my home landline saying, "You can take a new coronavirus test for free. You need your My Number. I'm going home now."
Points to note
- If you receive suspicious emails or SMS from unknown sources, ignore them.
- Don't listen to vendors who take advantage of the new coronavirus to make malicious solicitations.
- Officials of administrative agencies will not contact individuals over the phone, saying, "You should be tested for the new coronavirus" or "Be careful of the new coronavirus." If you feel suspicious, hang up immediately.
Link about new coronavirus infectious disease
Please see below for the latest information.
"Information for consumers related to new coronavirus infectious disease" (Consumer Affairs Agency)
"New Coronavirus Infectious Disease" (National Consumer Affairs Center)
If you have any questions, please contact the Setagaya City Consumer Affairs Center.
There is a possibility that new methods of solicitation will be made in the future. If you feel even a little strange, please contact us as soon as possible.
Consultation phone 03-3410-6522
03-5486-6501 for seniors (aged 65 and over)
Consultation date and time
Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 4:30 pm (telephone/visit)
Saturday 9am-3:30pm (phone only)
Holidays, year-end and New Year holidays (December 29th to January 3rd and days when December 27th, December 28th, and January 4th are Saturdays) are excluded. Depending on the congestion situation, it may be difficult to connect.
[Regarding visits to the Setagaya Consumer Affairs Center (request)]
About consumer affairs consultation, consultation by visit to an office is possible, too, but please use telephone consultation first.
Inquiries about this page
Consumer Affairs Division, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
telephone number 03-3410-6521
facsimile 03-3411-6845