The statistical situation in the ward about new coronavirus infectious disease

We will inform you about the statistics associated with the outbreak situation of the new coronavirus infectious disease.

Due to the limited number of people to be notified of the new coronavirus infectious disease outbreak notification after September 26, 2022, we changed the items to be posted on the infection status from the same day, and announced the number of positive people for one week collectively. increase.

<Persons subject to reporting after September 26, 2022>

(1) Those aged 65 or over (2) Those who require hospitalization (3) Those who are at risk of becoming seriously ill and need new corona treatment drugs or oxygen administration (4) Pregnant women

Number of positive people by age group (as of December 11, 2022)

Reporting date 0-year-old 1 year old~ 5 years old ~ 10 years old~ 20-year-old~ 30 years old~ 40 years old~ 50 years old ~ 60 years old~ 65 years old ~ 70 years old ~ 80 years old ~ 90 years old ~ not clear total

September 26, 2020 -October 2, 2022

0 20 26 49 69 61 68 57 19 15 20 9 2


October 3, 2020-October 9, 2020 3 9 14 26 37 40 43 29 11 9 26 Ten 1 0 258
October 10, 2020-October 16, 2022 2 13 twenty two 31 46 69 56 30 16 6 twenty two 7 1 0 321

October 17, 2020-October 23, 2022

Five 9 Ten 34 39 55 43 35 11 14 32 12 Five 0 304

October 24, 2020-October 30, 2022
















October 31, 2020-November 6, 2022 3 8 16 63 70 70 58 68 twenty five 9 28 twenty four 7 0 449
November 7, 2020-November 13, 2020 1 14 twenty five 74 117 100 87 78 twenty five twenty one 33 19 2 0 596

November 14, 2020 - November 20, 2020


Five 39 35 83 138 134 114 97 40 twenty two 55 twenty three 7 0 792
November 21, 2020-November 27, 2020 7 17 51 88 135 127 126 89 38 32 68 32 Ten 0 820
November 28, 2020-December 4, 2022 7 26 56 94 187 189 156 131 53 31 71 58 11 0 1070
December 5, 2020-December 11, 2020 12 48 82 110 171 184 191 131 60 30 60 42 12 0 1133

December 12, 2020-December 18, 2020

9 50 86 167 277 245 240 174 66 46 107 57 36 0 1560

December 19, 2020-December 25, 2020
















Note) This is the number of new positive cases diagnosed by Bunkyo Ward medical institutions and reported to the Ward.

(Those who are found to be positive in self-testing and have not been diagnosed at a medical institution are not included.)

Note) Non-Bunkyo citizens are also included.

Please check the attached file below for the infection status before September 25, 2022.

Number of positive people by month (April-September 2022, 2021) (PDF file; 284KB)

Number of positive people by month and age group (April-September 2022, March 2021) (PDF file; 368KB)

Medical Treatment Status in Bunkyo Ward (April-September 2022) (PDF file; 601KB)

Medical treatment situation in Bunkyo Ward (August to March 2021) (PDF file; 763KB)

Number of transfers of positive people, etc. (as of November 30, 2022)

Number of transfers in 2020 April 105 May 79 June 56 July 146 August 110 September 76 October 39 November 82

Number of transfers in 2021: April 75 May 83 June 76 July 156 September 71 October 10 November 3 December 9 January 173 February 178 March 95

Note) Transportation is for the public health center to transport a positive person from their home to a hospital for hospitalization.

Transfers from January 2020 to March 2021

Number of consultations with the ward public health center (as of November 30, 2022)

Number of consultations with ward public health centers in 2022 General consultations: 196 in April 102 in May 61 in June 536 in July 398 in August 143 in September 81 in October 96 in November Consultations for returnees and contacts April 720 May 297 June 368 July 641 August 671 September 398 October 180 November 304

FY2021 Number of consultations with ward public health centers General consultations April 158 May 165 June 83 July 287 September 157 October 46 November 28 December 76 January 833 February 519 cases March 271 Returnees/contact consultations April 467 May 422 June 386 July 436 August 601 September 236 October 64 November 41 December 55 January 285 cases February 435 cases March 842 cases

Note) Returnee contact consultations and general consultations are distinguished by phone number, so the content of the consultation does not necessarily match.

Number of consultations from January 2020 to March 2021

Number of PCR tests (as of November 30, 2022)

Number of PCR tests in 2020: Regional outpatient/testing centers: 0 from April to November Daiichi PCR testing center: 125 in April: 93 in May: 38 in June: 60 in July: 54 in August: 8 in September: October 0 cases in November 7 cases 2nd PCR Testing Center April to November 0 cases 3rd PCR Testing Center April to November 0 cases 4th PCR Testing Center April to November 0 cases Bunkyo Public Health Center PCR Testing Center April 192 160 in May, 88 in June, 319 in July, 172 in August, 54 in September, 3 in October, 5 in November, 7 in April, 38 in May, 24 in June, etc. 4 cases August 2 cases September 1 case October 0 cases November 2 cases

Number of PCR tests in 2021 Regional outpatient/test center April to June 0 cases July August 1 case October to March 0 cases Daiichi PCR Testing Center April 234 cases May 205 cases6 234 cases per month 406 cases in July 419 cases in August 120 cases in September 20 cases in October 9 cases in November 29 cases in December 300 cases in January 173 cases in February 177 cases in March Second PCR Testing Center 1 case in April May 0 cases June 2 cases July 4 cases August to March 0 cases Third PCR Testing Center April 31 cases May 10 cases June 26 cases July 41 cases August 25 cases September 27 cases October to 12 0 cases per month, 29 cases per month, 29 cases per month, 0 cases per month, Fourth PCR Testing Center April to June, 0 cases, July 3 cases, August to March, 0 cases, Bunkyo Public Health Center PCR Testing Center, 126 cases in April, 185 cases in May6 151 cases per month, 283 cases in July, 394 cases in August, 183 cases in September, 51 cases in October, 9 cases in November, 36 cases in December, 250 cases in January, 160 cases in February, March; 186 June 232 July 149 August 171 September 50 October 18 November 0 December 234 January 597 February 278 March 173

Note) "Returnees/contact outpatients, etc." is the number of cases where the ward brought samples directly to the inspection institution.

Number of PCRs from January 2020 to March 2021
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