Shinjuku Ward Postpartum Care Business -Information on short stay type-

Last updated: December 12, 2022

Postpartum care business in Shinjuku Ward ~ Information on short stay type ~ Image 1

About Shinjuku postpartum care business
◆The latest information will be announced on this page. Please check before using.

After giving birth, mothers and babies who need childcare support after giving birth, such as "I'm worried that there will be no one to help me when I go home" or "I'm not feeling well because I'm tired from childbirth and childcare", while staying at the support facility. Get support.

[Notice of start of acceptance of support facilities and Yachiyo midwifery clinic (as of April 1, 2022)]
From April 1, 2020, acceptance at Yachiyo Midwives Center will begin.
The subject is a baby within 3 months after birth.

[Notice of acceptance status of support facilities and Seibo Hospital (as of December 12, 2020)]
Currently, we are working with medical institutions in Shinjuku City to strengthen the medical system for new coronavirus infections.reserve Although the difficult situation is improving, for the time being, it is mandatory to undergo a new coronavirus PCR test or antigen test before use.

For more information, please contact the Health Promotion Section, Health Promotion Section.

Who can use

Mothers who meet all of the following criteria and babies under 4 months old at Seibo Hospital and babies under 3 months old at Yachiyo Maternity Hospital
・ Resident registration is in Shinjuku Ward
・Poor physical condition of the postpartum mother or child-rearing anxiety
*Not available for those who require hospitalization or treatment.

* Seibo Hospital has stopped accepting babies over 1 month old to prevent the spread of COVID-19. In addition, for the time being, negative confirmation by new coronavirus infection PCR test or antigen test is required.

Available services

You can stay at the support facility and use the following services.
・ Mother's care (breast care, physical condition check, rest, etc.)
・Baby care (growth, development, weight check, etc.)
・Childcare support (childcare consultation, breastfeeding guidance, bathing guidance, etc.)
※It is not possible to bring older children.

Number of days used

1 night 2 days to 3 nights 4 days (up to 4 days in total)
*For one birth, you can use it twice for 1 night and 2 days, or once for 2 nights and 4 days or 3 nights and 4 days.

User burden

6,500 yen per day (including meals)
* The user's burden is reduced for households exempt from residence tax, and exempted for households receiving public assistance.
* Yachiyo Midwives has an additional copayment of 5,000 yen per day during the year-end and New Year holidays (December 29th to January 3rd).

Support facility

・Seibo Hospital (2-5-1 Nakaochiai, Shinjuku-ku)
・Yachiyo Midwifery Clinic (1-19-18 Otowa, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo Midwives Hall 2F)

Flow to use

For use, Pre-registration required am.

[1] User registration application
After 8 months (28 weeks) of pregnancy, please apply at the counter of the health center in charge or by mail.
【Required documents】
(1) Shinjuku Ward postpartum care business use registration application form
(2) Maternal and Child Health Handbook (if applying by mail, a copy of P8-9 “Progress during pregnancy”)
*At the time of submission, there will be an interview with a nursing staff.
※Use registration application forms are distributed at the Health Center. You can also download it from below.
Shinjuku Ward postpartum care business usage registration application (PDF) 

[2] You will receive a usage registration decision notice
It takes about two weeks from the time of application for user registration to the arrival of the "notice of determination of user registration".
[3] Reservation
The reservation method differs depending on the support facility.
[Seibo Hospital]
(1) Temporary reservation (new registration)
During pregnancy, register information from Seibo Hospital's "postpartum care hospitalization reservation service (external site below)",
Please make a "temporary reservation". My page is created.
Seibo Hospital postpartum care hospitalization reservation service (external site)

(2) Usage reservation (reservation application)
After giving birth, decide the date of use, and enter the necessary information for "reservation after childbirth" from the registration information on My Page.

*At Seibo Hospital, it is necessary to fill in a health check sheet from two weeks before the desired date of use until the date of admission.
   Check the health checklist below You can download it.
Health check sheet (PDF)

[Yachiyo Maternity Hospital]
(1) Usage reservation
After giving birth, please make a reservation by phone from 5 days before the desired date of use to 10:00 on the day before the desired date of use.

[4] Usage decision
The support facility will coordinate the schedule and notify you of availability.
*Depending on the availability of facilities, we may not be able to meet your request.

Apply to

Applications can be made at the four public health centers in the city.

Inquiries about this page

Shinjuku ward Health Department - Health Promotion Section
Health Promotion Promotion Section Maternal and Child Health Section
Phone: 03-5273-3047 FAX: 03-5273-3930
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