Blood products for transfusion, which are made from donated blood, are used to treat patients who need blood transfusions due to illness or injury.
Blood cannot be made artificially and cannot be stored for a long time.
In addition, in order to protect the health of those who donate blood, there is an upper limit on the number of blood donations and the amount of blood donated per person per year.
Therefore, in order to stably deliver blood products for transfusion, it is essential that many people cooperate with blood donations on a daily basis.
We appreciate your continued understanding and cooperation.
In January and February, the “Hatachi Blood Donation” Campaign!
Poster to publicize the "Blood Donation of Hatachi" campaign
During the cold winter months, the number of blood donors tends to decrease due to common cold and flu epidemics.
In addition, due to the effects of the new coronavirus infection, it is still difficult to obtain blood donations at workplaces and schools.
If this situation continues, we may not be able to stably deliver safe blood products to people who need blood transfusions due to illness or injury.
For two months from January 1st to February 28th, the Tokyo metropolitan government will carry out a "Hata no Blood Donation" campaign aimed at a wide range of Tokyo residents, with a focus on young people who will have "hatachi". Please take the opportunity to donate blood.
1 Contents of the campaign
(1) Posting posters to publicize blood donation (posting destinations: municipalities, schools, etc.)
(2) Distribution of educational leaflets for young people at Coming-of-Age Day ceremonies, etc.
(3) Implementation of blood donation by Tokyo Metropolitan Government employees
Awareness leaflet for young people (front)
Awareness leaflet for young people (back)
2 Thank you for your cooperation in donating blood.
Type of blood donation
There are two main types of blood donation: whole blood donation and component blood donation.
Whole blood donation is a method of collecting all the components in the blood, and there is a difference in the amount of blood collected, 200 ml and 400 ml.
On the other hand, component blood donation is a method of collecting only specific components such as platelets and plasma, and returning red blood cells, which take a long time to recover in the body, back into the body.
Apheresis blood collection takes longer than whole blood donation, but it has the advantage of being less stressful on the body.
Please see the link for details.
blood donation procedure
Donate blood in the blood donation room or blood donation bus according to the following procedure.
Flow of blood donation
You can watch videos about the blood donation procedure and the state of the blood product factory on the official Tokyo video channel "Tokyo Video" or YouTube.
(URL: )
<Blood Donation Procedure>
<State of the factory>
Blood donation locations in Tokyo
Tokyo blood donation room map (as of April 2020)
〇You can donate blood at 12 permanent blood donation rooms and blood donation buses in Tokyo.
〇Thank you for your cooperation in advance reservation .
Reservations can be made by calling the blood donation web member service " Love Blood" or calling each blood donation room.
For details, please see the Tokyo Red Cross Blood Center website.
[Tokyo Red Cross Blood Center website]
* The number of blood donors on weekdays is decreasing.
Blood used for transfusion cannot be stored for a long time, so if possible, please visit us on weekdays.
〇 At each venue, we are taking measures against the new coronavirus infection. See the website above for details.
Creating blood donation/transplant medical awareness tools (posters, leaflets, etc.)
Blood donation/transplant medical awareness tools (posters, leaflets, etc.)
We publish data of the spread enlightenment materials about blood donation and update at any time.
Please use it at home, school, workplace, etc.
This page is in charge of Health Policy Department Disease Control Division am.