If a patient with new coronavirus infection occurs at the office

If a patient with the new coronavirus infection occurs at your office, please check the following items and cooperate in preventing the spread of infection.

Regarding measures within offices, etc.

Please check if there are any employees who are unwell.

Please check to see if there are any other employees who are unwell.

Employees who complain of poor physical condition should not be sent to work and should be encouraged to seek medical attention. In particular, if you have symptoms such as fever, headache, cough, runny nose, olfactory disturbance, taste disturbance, fatigue, etc. that are suspected of being infected with the new coronavirus, please consult your family doctor by phone. If you do not have a family doctor, please consult with the fever consultation center of your local government or the following counters.

Where to consult if you have symptoms but do not have a "family doctor"
Consultation destination telephone number

Setagaya Ward Fever Consultation Center

*For residents of Setagaya Ward

Phone number: 03-5432-2910

Reception hours: Weekdays from 8:30 to 17:15

Tokyo Fever Consultation Center

*You can consult about symptoms you are concerned about. Nurses and public health nurses will respond.

Phone number: 03-5320-4592

Reception hours: 24 hours (including weekends and holidays)

Tokyo Metropolitan Fever Consultation Center Medical Institution Information Dial

*This is a dedicated dial that specializes in providing information on medical institutions where medical examinations and examinations can be performed. A general operator is available.

Phone number: 03-5320-4327



Reception hours: 24 hours (including weekends and holidays)

About medical institutions that carry out fever outpatient

Please check if you have been in contact with someone who tested positive

What is the employee's infectious period?

For the new coronavirus infection, if a positive person has symptoms, the infectious period is from 2 days before the onset date, and if there are no symptoms, from 2 days before the test date until the end of treatment. Please check the following points.

  • Attendance status of employees who tested positive
  • Whether the work day falls within the infectious period

*The treatment period may be extended. Click here for the criteria for termination of treatment.

How are your employees working?

If you are working during the infectious period, please check the conditions under which you were working.

In particular, if you have even one of the following situations, you may be a close contact person .

Examples of the possibility of close contact
Contact status example
Contact within 1m for more than 15 minutes without wearing a mask dinner, lunch, break
Prolonged contact in poorly ventilated areas Meetings, working in private rooms, traveling by car

When confirming open the pdf file Please use the self-check sheet .

What if there is contact?

Employees who have been in contact with a positive person at a place of business, etc., are asked to refrain from actions with a high risk of infection, such as contact with the elderly, eating and drinking where an unspecified number of people gather, and participating in large-scale events. .

* Business establishments do not need to restrict going out, including going to work, just because they have been in contact with a positive person.

Please take measures against infection in the office, etc.

Conducting disinfection

If an employee who has become a patient is at work during the infectious period, please disinfect the place where the employee may have touched. For detailed disinfection methods, etc., please refer to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare website . a new window will open Please refer to

Daily implementation of infection control measures

Please ensure that employees wash their hands, wear masks, and maintain a work environment that is not crowded. Also, always or regularly ventilate the room.
Please also check the page for the prevention of new coronavirus infections .

About business establishment survey

Public health centers, etc. will not uniformly identify people who have been in close contact with business establishments, etc., and will not ask them to restrict their activities.

However, if the public health center determines that it is necessary to investigate the establishment, such as when there are multiple patients with the new coronavirus infection, we will contact you by phone.

*Currently, we are prioritizing active epidemiological studies. We are investigating facilities for the elderly, facilities for the disabled, etc. with priority, and there may be cases where there is no contact from the public health center. For information on how to confirm close contacts and what to do with those who are thought to be close contacts, see the page for close contacts, if an acquaintance or colleague is a patient of the new coronavirus infection, and open the pdf file Please refer to the self-check sheet .


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Inquiries about this page

Setagaya Ward Home Recuperation Counseling Center

telephone number 0570-081-172 (24/7)

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