What is respiratory syncytial virus
RSV is a respiratory infection.
It is said that more than 50-70% of children are infected by the age of 1, and almost all children are infected at least once by the age of 2.
Most cases are mild, but in infants younger than 6 months, they often cause severe respiratory syndrome and require hospitalization.
Infection levels in 2021 are higher than in the last three years.
The epidemic usually occurs from autumn to winter, but in recent years, the number of reported cases has increased rapidly from around July, and from mid-May last year.
In 2022, a small epidemic was seen in the summer, but caution is required from autumn to winter.
As with the new coronavirus, adults should thoroughly wash their hands and wear masks to prevent infection.
In addition, the spread of infection is likely to occur at home and in groups, so please take thorough measures.
- Most of the symptoms are mild, such as fever, cough, and runny nose
- Pneumonia and bronchitis may become severe
Main route of infection
- Inhale droplets from sneezes, coughs, etc.
- Rub your eyes and nose with your hand that has the virus on it
- Frequently disinfect toys and handrails that children often touch with alcohol or sodium hypochlorite.
- Wash hands with soap and gargle
- When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue, etc.
- Wear a mask and avoid crowds
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