rotavirus vaccination

From October 1, 2020, rotavirus vaccination has become a routine vaccination (vaccination based on the Immunization Act) and can be received free of charge. Those born on or after August 1, 2020 are eligible. Pre-examination vote is mailed to target person at the end of the month before becoming two months after birth.

rotavirus infection

Rotavirus infection is acute gastroenteritis caused by rotavirus. Rotavirus invades the mouth and infects the intestinal tract. It is highly contagious, and it is difficult to prevent infection even with thorough hand washing and disinfection. Diarrhea and vomiting heal in about a week, but if diarrhea and vomiting become severe, dehydration may occur. Rotavirus is a virus that can be infected many times in a lifetime, but when it is first infected, it is particularly likely to become severe, and in rare cases it may affect the brain and kidneys, so caution is required. Vaccines should be completed as early as possible, as they can become infected soon after birth.

Characteristics of rotavirus vaccine

There are two types of rotavirus vaccines, both live (attenuated virus) and oral vaccines. There is no difference in the preventive effect and safety between the two types, but the number of vaccinations differs, so the vaccination schedule with other vaccines should be taken into consideration when selecting one. In addition, since the type of vaccine cannot be changed in the middle, the first vaccination will be given from the second time onwards. (Be sure to complete the vaccination with the same vaccine.)
This vaccine reduces the incidence of rotavirus gastroenteritis itself by 70% to 80%, and most cases of severe cases requiring hospitalization can be prevented. However, it does not show a preventive effect against gastroenteritis caused by causes other than rotavirus.
Even if you cannot swallow the vaccine properly or you vomit, there is no problem with the effectiveness of the vaccine as long as you can confirm that even a small amount of the vaccine has been swallowed.

Immunization schedule

Rotarix, a two-dose vaccine, is given by 24 weeks of birth, and RotaTeq, a three-dose vaccine, by 32 weeks of birth.
The required number of doses and schedule differ depending on the vaccine.

  • The first dose is given from 2 months after birth (6 weeks and 0 days after birth) to 14 weeks and 6 days after birth. From the viewpoint of safety, we do not recommend the first vaccination after 15 weeks and 0 days after birth.
  • For age, the day of birth is counted as "day 0". Also, a week is counted as "0 to 6 days".

Target person

Those who were born on or after August 1, 2020 and are listed below

  1. If Rotarix (monovalent) (oral live attenuated human rotavirus vaccine) is used, between 6 weeks 0 days and 24 weeks 0 days after birth
  2. When using RotaTeq (5-valent) (pentavalent oral attenuated rotavirus vaccine), between 6 weeks 0 days and 32 weeks 0 days after birth

Electronic application

If you have lost your pre-examination slip or if your child has moved to Meguro Ward and has not been vaccinated, you can apply electronically here.
Electronic application (Tokyo joint electronic application/notification service)

cost of vaccination

Routine vaccination (free) started on October 1, 2020.
If you use the pre-screening form sent to you and get vaccinated within the legal vaccination age (up to 24 weeks and 0 days after birth for Rotarix and up to 32 weeks and 0 days after birth for Rotatec), the vaccination is free of charge. However, you will be charged a fee if you get vaccinated outside the designated medical institution or if you get vaccinated outside the legal vaccination age.

Where to get vaccinated

Please inoculate at a contracted medical institution in the city. You can also use the Meguro Preliminary Examination Card at contracted medical institutions in 22 wards other than Meguro Ward. Please confirm in advance that the medical institution where you plan to receive the vaccination is a contracted medical institution in the ward where you live. For a list of medical institutions in Meguro Ward, please see the " Children's Vaccinations " page.

Precautions when receiving rotavirus vaccine vaccination

Read the rotavirus vaccine vaccination notice and get it when your child is in good health.

before vaccination

If your child is full, they may not be able to take the vaccine properly, so we recommend that you refrain from breastfeeding for about 30 minutes before vaccination.

side effects of vaccination

The main side effects include nausea, diarrhea, cough and runny nose, and other symptoms such as fever, loss of appetite, and vomiting. In rare cases, a severe allergic reaction called anaphylaxis may be seen as a symptom. Also, during the 1 to 2 weeks after receiving this vaccination (especially the first vaccination), you may experience symptoms such as ``sluggishness and pale complexion'', ``repeated crying and moodiness'', ``repeated vomiting'', and ``strawberries''. If you have even one symptom such as jam-like blood in the stool or abdominal swelling, you may have intussusception, which is one of the side effects. If you experience any worrisome symptoms or changes in your physical condition after receiving the vaccination, please contact your doctor immediately for consultation and examination.


Intussusception is an intestinal obstruction caused by an intestinal tract. It is known that the onset of intussusception may increase slightly for about a week after vaccination. In the case of 0-year-old children, the disease can occur even if they are not vaccinated with rotavirus vaccine, so caution is required even if they are not vaccinated. Originally, it is a disease that becomes more common as the age increases from about 3 to 4 months old, so it is recommended to complete the vaccination as soon as possible. Intussusception may require surgery, but most cases can be treated without surgery if treated soon after onset.

Related pages

child vaccination

Information on how to notify Meguro Ward about routine immunizations for children and how to inoculate.

Link to external site Opens in a new window. Q&A on rotavirus (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare)

This is the page of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.

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Person in charge of health prevention section vaccination is in charge of this page.

Address 〒153-8573 2-19-15 Kamimeguro, Meguro-ku

Telephone 03-5722-7047

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