From October 1, 2018, we started subsidizing part of the mumps vaccination cost.
Mumps (epidemic mumps) is an infectious disease caused by the mumps virus, and in addition to swelling behind the ear, it may cause complications such as meningitis and hearing loss.
The mumps (mumps) vaccine is a live vaccine to prevent the onset of mumps. The mumps vaccination is not a routine vaccination based on the Immunization Act, but a voluntary vaccination .
Person who is targeted for the expense subsidy
Those aged 1 to 4 who are registered as residents of Meguro Ward are eligible. We send pre-examination vote to target person at the end of the month before one-year-old birthday.
Subsidy amount
Of the inoculation costs, 3,000 yen (subsidy only once) will be subsidized.
Please pay the amount obtained by subtracting the subsidy amount from the ward from the vaccination fee determined by each medical institution at the Meguro Ward medical institution window.
However, there is a full subsidy (full exemption) for households receiving public assistance and households receiving support benefits for Japanese remaining in China.
Please see the announcement below for details.
Announcement of 2021 mumps vaccine vaccination (voluntary vaccination) (PDF: 286KB)
Those who do not have resident registration in Meguro Ward on the day of vaccination (those who have moved out of Meguro Ward) cannot receive this subsidy.
to get vaccinated
Take the "Mumps Vaccine Pre-screening Sheet (optional)" from Meguro Ward, the Maternal and Child Health Handbook, your health insurance card, etc., and get vaccinated at a medical institution in Meguro Ward.
Where to get vaccinated
Please inoculate at a contracted medical institution in the city. If you get vaccinated at a medical institution other than Meguro Ward's medical institution, you will not be eligible for the cost subsidy.
Electronic application
If you have lost your pre-examination slip, or if you have moved to Meguro Ward and have not received a pre-examination slip, you can apply for issuance of a pre-examination slip online here.
Electronic application (Tokyo joint electronic application/notification service)
Related pages
Information on how to notify Meguro Ward about routine immunizations for children and how to inoculate.
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Person in charge ofhealth prevention section vaccination is in charge of this page.
Address 〒153-8573 2-19-15 Kamimeguro, Meguro-ku
Telephone 03-5722-7047