Waiting period for health observation of close contacts

About positive people

In principle, those who test positive for the new coronavirus infection (including those who are asymptomatic) will be treated as those who are positive for the Omicron strain.

Shortening the waiting period through health observation

The waiting period for health observation of a person who has been in close contact with a person who has tested positive for the new coronavirus infection (Omicron strain) is 5 days from the next day (cancelled on the 6th day), counting the day of the last contact with the positive person as day 0. However, if a negative result is confirmed on the 2nd and 3rd days using an antigen qualitative test kit that has received pharmaceutical approval, the health observation period can be canceled from the 3rd day.

Please see the notice below for more information.

Responding to requests to refrain from going out for those who have been in close contact (notice from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare)

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