About wearing a mask (as of May 26, 2020)

Wearing a mask is very important as a basic infection prevention measure for the new coronavirus infection.
Please be sure to wear a mask, especially when talking to people or in crowded places.

< Three points that take into account the risk of infection when considering wearing a mask>

  • Is it possible to secure "physical distance" <br>"Droplets", which is one of the infection routes, are said to reach 1m to 2m ahead, so as a guideline, secure a distance of 2m or more from the infected person. is important .
  • "Outdoors" or "Indoors"? <br>Outdoors have a lower risk of infection compared to indoors due to air circulation .
  • Have a conversation / Rarely have a conversation
    Conversation and vocalizations can also transmit the infection .
    If there is no conversation, the risk of infection is low .

About wearing masks in various situations

About wearing masks for children

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