Please be careful about measles

About measles

Measles is highly contagious, more contagious than influenza, and it is a disease that should be paid attention to, as it often leads to serious complications. There is no effective treatment, but it can be prevented with a vaccine.

  • People who have never had measles or who have never been vaccinated should be vaccinated.
  • Children over the age of 1 can receive the ward's vaccinations free of charge. For children under the age of 0, there is a ward subsidy system for guardians. Parents and family members other than those listed above should also be checked for disease history and vaccinations.
  • If you are unaffected and have not been vaccinated against measles twice, which is the required number of times, please consider getting vaccinated.

If you have been in contact with a measles patient

You will be subject to health observation by the public health center. Take your temperature every day for a specified period, and if you have symptoms that suggest measles (fever, cough, runny nose, excessive tears, etc.), avoid going out and call ahead before visiting a medical institution. prize. When traveling to a medical institution, please wear a mask and avoid using public transportation as much as possible to prevent the infection of those around you. If your child is using a nursery school or kindergarten, avoid going to kindergarten.

Symptoms of measles

Measles is caused by airborne, droplet, and contact infections of the measles virus. After being infected with the virus, an asymptomatic period (incubation period) lasts for about 10 to 12 days. After that, symptoms begin to appear, but the main symptoms are fever, cough, runny nose, eye discharge, and redness. For 3 to 4 days after the onset of symptoms, a fever of around 38°C, a cough, a runny nose, and eye discharge continue. A rash begins to appear, and then the rash spreads all over the body. A high fever subsides in 3 to 4 days, and the rash gradually disappears, but pigmentation remains for a while.

Get vaccinated

Measles vaccination is the most effective method of prevention. In addition, it is considered effective to inoculate the measles vaccine within 72 hours of contact with a measles patient.

Healthcare workers, educators, and adults planning to travel abroad should also consider vaccination if their history of measles or vaccination is unclear.

routine vaccination

As a general rule, we inoculate "measles, rubella combined vaccine" (MR vaccine) twice . Make sure to take it during the first three months after becoming eligible.

Target age is as follows.

  • Stage 1: 1 year old or older but under 2 years old
  • 2nd period: 5 to 7 years old, 1 year from April to March 31 before entering elementary school

See Child Immunizations for more information.

Voluntary inoculation

In addition to the routine immunizations, if you want to receive vaccinations voluntarily, please get vaccinated at a medical institution that provides measles vaccinations (MR vaccine, etc.).

* Voluntary vaccination subsidies are available for residents of Minato Ward who are between the ages of 2 and 18 and have not been vaccinated with either or both of the 1st and 2nd MR vaccines, and guardians of children under the age of 0. We are doing it.

For details, please see About Measles and Rubella Mixed (MR) Vaccine Voluntary Inoculation Subsidy Project .

How to search for medical institutions that offer vaccinations

  1. We access Tokyo medical institution information service (Himawari) (we link to the outside site)
  2. Click "Search by items other than the above" in the "Search for medical institutions" column.
  3. Click "Search by Vaccination"
  4. You can search by selecting the desired vaccination, and then selecting the municipality and town name.

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Affiliation Division: Health Prevention Division, Minato Public Health Center

Phone number: 03-6400-0081

Fax number: 03-3455-4460

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