2021 Child Influenza Vaccination Expense Subsidy

Influenza is an infectious disease caused by the influenza virus, and is a disease with stronger systemic symptoms than the so-called “cold”. Influenza vaccination is voluntary (excluding routine vaccinations for elderly people), but it can be expected to prevent the onset of illness and prevention of aggravation by receiving vaccination.
Starting in 2022, Meguro Ward will subsidize part of the cost of influenza vaccinations for children.

Target audience

Residents of the city from 6 months old to 3rd grade of junior high school as of the date of vaccination

inoculation period

From October 1, 2022 to January 31, 2023 (Inoculations outside the vaccination period are not covered by the subsidy)

Number of subsidies

6 months to 12 years old

Up to 2 times during the inoculation period (vaccination interval is 2 to 4 weeks)

13 years old to 3rd year junior high school

Up to 1 time during the inoculation period
If the first vaccination is 12 years old and the second vaccination is 13 years old (both within the vaccination period), both are eligible for subsidies.


Implementation medical institution in the ward

This subsidy system is valid only for medical institutions in Meguro Ward (inoculations in Meguro Ward other than medical institutions or in other municipalities are not covered by the subsidy).

Subsidy amount

Subsidy of 1,000 yen per time

Inoculation method (subsidy method)

  1. Please tell the implementing medical institution that you wish to be vaccinated by the subsidy system and make an appointment. Please contact the medical institution directly for vaccination costs.
  2. Please bring the following items on the day of vaccination.
  • Infant medical certificate or child medical certificate (address, age confirmation)
  • Maternal and Child Health Handbook
  1. Pre-examination slips are installed at the implementation medical institution. Please answer the pre-vaccination questions (physical condition, vaccination history, etc.). If the doctor determines that it is possible to be vaccinated and the guardian agrees to the vaccination, the child can be vaccinated.
  2. At the time of payment, the subsidy amount of 1,000 yen will be deducted from the vaccination fee determined by each medical institution.

accompanied by a guardian

  1. Children 12 and under must be accompanied by a parent. However, grandparents who know the child's health condition (minors are not allowed) can accompany the child on behalf of the guardian if they bring a letter of attorney from the guardian.
  2. Children over the age of 13 can be vaccinated without being accompanied by a guardian if they bring a "Consent Form" filled out by a guardian. In this case, please be prepared to answer the pre-vaccination questions.

Effectiveness of vaccination

Getting the flu vaccine does not guarantee complete protection against the flu. However, it is said to be effective in preventing the appearance (onset) of influenza symptoms such as high fever and sore throat, as well as in preventing aggravation after onset.
In Japan, it is said that it is desirable to inoculate until mid-December because it is prevalent from December to April every year. Influenza vaccines are also manufactured using viruses predicted to be prevalent during the season. Therefore, annual vaccination is recommended.

Adverse reaction due to inoculation

Swelling and pain at the injection site, fever, headache, and sluggishness may occur, but usually heal in 2 to 3 days.
In addition, shock, hives, dyspnea, and convulsions may occur as rare side effects.

Precautions when receiving vaccination

  1. Please take it when your child is in good health.
  2. Please be vaccinated after understanding the effects of vaccination and the possibility of side effects. Also, if you have any questions, please listen to the doctor's explanation before inoculation and receive the inoculation after convincing.

Those who cannot receive vaccinations

  1. Those who clearly have a fever (generally, if the body temperature is 37.5 degrees or higher)
  2. Those who are clearly suffering from a serious acute illness
  3. Persons who have had anaphylaxis due to vaccination or ingredients contained in it (Anaphylaxis: A severe allergic reaction that occurs relatively soon after vaccination)
  4. In addition, if the doctor determines that the condition is inappropriate

Relationship with other vaccinations

If a doctor deems it particularly necessary, simultaneous vaccination with other vaccines is possible.
In addition, regarding other vaccinations before and after vaccination with the new coronavirus vaccine, as a general rule, it is supposed to be at least two weeks apart and not to be vaccinated at the same time. Simultaneous vaccination with the new corona vaccine is now possible. There is no restriction on vaccination intervals (The preliminary examination slip created by the city for 2022 states that an interval between influenza vaccination and the new coronavirus vaccine must be at least 2 weeks, but due to the above change Simultaneous vaccination is now possible, and there is no restriction on the interval between vaccinations.)

General Precautions After Immunization

  1. Sudden side effects may occur within 30 minutes after vaccination. Make sure you have immediate contact with the doctor who administered the vaccine.
  2. Keep the injection site clean. You may take a bath, but please do not rub the injection site. Also, on the day of vaccination, avoid strenuous exercise.
  3. If you experience any abnormal reaction at the injection site or any change in your physical condition after vaccination, immediately consult the doctor who administered the injection.

Relief system for health damage caused by vaccination

Influenza vaccination is an inoculation (voluntary inoculation) not based on the Immunization Act. If a health hazard occurs due to a side reaction that occurs despite the proper use of the vaccine, it is not subject to the health hazard relief system under the Preventive Vaccination Act because it is a voluntary vaccination. The relief system based on the Medical Devices Agency Act and the special ward local government comprehensive liability insurance is applied.

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Person in charge ofhealth prevention section vaccination is in charge of this page.

Location 2-19-15 Kamimeguro, Meguro-ku

Telephone 03-5722-7047

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