FY2020 Tokyo Metropolitan Government Project to Strengthen Cooperation at Hospitalization and Discharge

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Applications for 2022 have closed.

Subsidized project (Collaboration support project subsidy at the time of admission and discharge)

Applications for 2022 have closed.

1 Implementing entity

The implementation body of this project is a hospital in Tokyo with a total number of beds of less than 200 as stipulated in each item of Article 7, Paragraph 2 of the Medical Care Law (Law No. 205 of 1948). However, the following hospitals are excluded .

  1. As of April 1, 2022, hospitals that have notified facility standards for admission and discharge support addition 1 stipulated in facility standards

  2. A hospital with only psychiatric beds as stipulated in Article 7, Paragraph 2, Item 1 of the Medical Care Act

  3. Hospitals established by local governments, local independent administrative agencies, specified local independent administrative agencies, the national government, independent administrative agencies, and national university corporations

2 Supplementary requirements

Meet the following requirements (1) to (3) or (1) to (5) during FY2022 (from April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023) is required.

(1) Working to strengthen the hospitalization adjustment system

(2) Centering on the person in charge of hospital admission and discharge support, work on support for transition to home care and cooperation between medical care and nursing care in the community.

(3) Efforts should be made to secure an acceptance system for home care patients when their condition changes.

(4) Accepting 9 or more home care patients in March
*Please note that in 2021, the number of participants was 6 or more, but this has changed since this year.

(5) Utilize the multi-professional collaboration system to share information with local medical and nursing care professionals.

3 Eligible expenses

Personnel expenses for nurses or social workers who fall under either a or b below.

A. Staff assigned to support hospitalization and discharge, who have completed training to strengthen collaboration during hospitalization or discharge support personnel development training to be implemented in 2022.

B. Those who have completed any of the training for discharge support human resource development, the training for strengthening discharge support, or the training for strengthening collaboration during admission and discharge in the past, and are assigned to support hospital admission and discharge.

* However, the total period for which the staff member has received any of the subsidies for transition to home care, subsidies for strengthening the transition to home care, or subsidies for collaboration support during hospitalization and discharge has exceeded 3 years in total. Only if not .

*Personnel expenses include full-time staff salaries, part-time staff salaries, bonuses and allowances, and statutory welfare expenses.

* If other subsidies, etc. of the national government, local governments, etc. are applied, they are not eligible.

4 Standard amount and subsidy rate

(1) Base amount

1 person 3,600,000 yen x (Number of months assigned / 12)

* One person per hospital.

* “Number of months assigned” refers to the period during which the target staff was assigned to support hospitalization and discharge.

(2) Subsidy rate

A Person who satisfies requirements (1) to (3) stipulated in the supplementary requirements (above 3) 1/2

A person who satisfies requirements (1) to (5) stipulated in the provision of supplementary requirements (3 above) 3/4

* Comparing the amount of actual expenses (above 4) minus donations and other income with the reference amount of the metropolitan government subsidy, the smaller amount will be the selected amount, and the selected amount will be subsidized at a rate of 1/2 or 3. The subsidy amount is the amount multiplied by /4.

* If there is a possibility that the subsidy rate of 3/4 will be met, please apply with the subsidy rate of 3/4. If it is confirmed that the requirements are not met at the time of the performance report, it may be 1/2 or non-applicable. After receiving a subsidy decision with a subsidy rate of 1/2, it is not possible to increase the subsidy rate to 3/4 in the performance report, so please consider this when applying for the grant.

5 Procedure

For this subsidy, it will be an electronic application with the electronic subsidy application system jGrants released by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
[URL] https://www.jgrants-portal.go.jp/subsidy/a0W2x000006s9p6EAA


This page is in charge of Health Policy Department, Health Policy Division am.

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