Routine immunization cost subsidies for children, such as those returning home

If you wish to receive routine immunizations outside of the designated medical institutions within the 23 wards due to reasons such as a parent returning home to give birth or being hospitalized at a medical institution outside Tokyo for a long period of time, all or part of the vaccination costs will be covered upon application. be subsidized.

Eligible routine immunizations

Rotavirus, Hepatitis B, Hib, Pediatric pneumococcus, DPT-IPV (mixture of four types), DPT (mixture of three types), Inactivated polio, BCG, Varicella, MR (Measles-rubella mixture), Japanese encephalitis, DT ( Mixture of two types) and prevention of cervical cancer (human papillomavirus infection)


  • It is limited to those who received a routine immunization request form and were vaccinated while observing the target age and appropriate vaccination intervals.
  • Rotavirus became routine vaccination from October 1, 2020. Children whose birth date is after August 1, 2020 and who have been vaccinated after October 2020 are eligible for subsidies.
  • Voluntary vaccination against mumps, seasonal influenza, etc. is not covered.

Procedures before inoculation

In order to use the subsidy system, a routine immunization request form addressed to the medical institution or municipality in advance is required. Please be sure to electronically apply for a routine vaccination request form before receiving vaccinations, or apply for issuance of a "routine vaccination request form" by mail to thevaccination section of the Health Prevention Division or at the counter.
It takes about 10 days to 2 weeks to issue the request form.

Routine vaccination request form for children

Subsidy requirements (Those who meet all requirements are eligible.)

  • Those who have an address in Meguro Ward on the day they received the vaccination
  • Those who have received a routine immunization request form from the mayor of Meguro Ward
  • Those who have not passed one year since vaccination
  • Persons who have incurred the cost of receiving vaccinations or preliminary examinations at the following medical institutions
  1. Medical institutions outside the 23 wards (limited to medical institutions in Japan)
  2. Medical institutions other than designated medical institutions within the 23 wards are limited to cases where there are special circumstances such as the need for supervision by the attending physician.

How to apply for post-vaccination cost subsidies

After vaccination, please mail or submit the following documents to theHealth Prevention Section Vaccination Section .
Please apply as soon as possible after vaccination. If you want to apply for several times, please apply all at once.

  1. Meguro Ward Children's Routine Vaccination Fee Subsidy Application Form/Billing Form/Bank Transfer Request FormPlease fill in the required items.
    If the applicant and the account holder of the transfer destination are different, please also fill in the "Letter of Attorney" column.
  2. Meguro Ward Children's Routine Immunization StatementPlease fill in the colored boxes.
  3. Receipt issued by medical institution (copies and receipts are not accepted)
    If the receipt does not include the names of the vaccines administered and the amount for each vaccine, please submit a statement or other document that shows the amount for each vaccine.
    If you do not have a detailed statement, etc., please check with the medical institution before applying.
  4. Please submit one of the following documents to prove that you have been vaccinated.
    (1) A copy of the vaccination screening slip (Please get a copy at the medical institution where you were vaccinated. The format of the vaccination screening slip does not matter. A screening slip from the medical institution is also acceptable.)
    (2) Copy of Maternal and Child Health Handbook (Please submit the following three types.)
    "Cover page (with the date of issue)" "Page of certificate of birth notification" and "Page with record of vaccination"
  5. Payee's passbook (bank name, branch name, account number, name of account holder) (copies accepted)

Application form

Application form entry example


  • When filling out the Meguro Ward Children's Routine Vaccination Cost Subsidy Grant Application Form, Billing Form, and Bank Transfer Request Form, please be sure to refer to the entry example before completing the form.
  • It is necessary that the examination month and date on the receipt and the date of examination written in the Vaccination Preliminary Examination Sheet or Maternal and Child Health Handbook are the same.
  • If the transfer destination is Japan Post Bank, please check the branch name and account number before filling in the form. If you do not know the branch name and account number, please check at the Japan Post Bank window or on the Japan Post Bank website.

Application deadline

Within 1 year from the date of vaccination
(Example) If you were inoculated on June 1, 2021, the application and attached documents must be submitted to theHealth Prevention Division Vaccination Section by May 31, 2022 (must arrive).
If there are any incompleteness in the application contents or the documents to be submitted, the application deadline may pass, so please apply as soon as possible. If you send it by mail, it must arrive within the application deadline.
(If there are any deficiencies in the application contents or attached documents, the application may not be accepted unless the deficiencies are resolved within the application deadline, so please send the application as soon as possible.)

Subsidy amount

We subsidize expenses required for routine immunization or its preliminary examination. However, if the amount exceeds the commissioned unit price for vaccinations carried out by Meguro City on the date of vaccination, the amount of the commissioned unit price will be the upper limit. (Depending on the amount paid, the full amount may not be subsidized.)

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Person in charge ofhealth prevention section vaccination is in charge of this page.

Address 〒153-8573 2-19-15 Kamimeguro, Meguro-ku

Telephone 03-5722-7047

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