About mental health and mood swings

Due to the impact of the new coronavirus infection, we are forced to change our daily lives, such as refraining from going out, working from home, unemployment, and parting with loved ones. Feeling irritable, restless, hopeless, depressed, reluctant to do anything, or have no appetite? Many of these are temporary stress reactions, and most resolve over time. However, when the stress is prolonged or the psychological shock is too great, it is also necessary to lead to appropriate medical care and care. This page contains useful information to keep our minds and bodies healthy.

Counseling counter for mental health

Consultation desk in Setagaya Ward

For consultation services in Setagaya Ward, please refer to "Information on Mental Health Counseling" on this page.

SNS consultation, etc.

  • Introduces organizations that offer SNS consultations (LINE, chat) and contact points for telephone consultations.

Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare "Protect your heart" a new window will open

  • In Tokyo, we are conducting LINE consultations. LINE account name: Consult Hot LINE @ Tokyo

Tokyo "We will carry out LINE consultation in Tokyo" a new window will open

Lectures and seminars on mental illness and health

(Public Interest Incorporated Foundation) Setagaya Public Health Center Lectures and Seminars

List of Lectures and Seminars (Public Interest Incorporated Foundation) Setagaya Public Health Center
schedule place content
June 3, 2020 (Friday) online Mental Coaching for Adolescents (Day 1)
June 17, 2020 (Friday) online Mental Coaching for Adolescents (Day 2)
July 22, 2020 (Friday) online Adolescent sexuality and mind
Monday, October 24, 2020 online

The psychology of eating disorders

-Pay attention to things other than "I want to lose weight"-

Friday, November 11, 2020 Umeoka Park Hall Let's all learn about family care -Schizophrenia-
December 16, 2020 (Friday) Kitazawa Town Hall

Addiction Seminar (1st)

Do you know? Drug addiction around us

January 19, 2020 (Thursday)

Karasuyama Civic Hall


Addiction Seminar (2nd)

addiction is my pride

February 16, 2020 (Thursday) online sleep and mental health

For details and applications for lectures and seminars, visit theSetagaya Ward Public Health Center Specialized Counseling Division website. a new window will open Please refer to the.

Streaming videos

Setagaya Penguin Monogatari ~Petit anime for heart and body~

I'm kind of uneasy... my heart feels hazy... what should I do in such a situation?

A petit anime about penguins filled with hints on how to deal with anxiety and troubles that can happen to anyone!

Click on the "content" of each session to move to the video (Setagaya City Official Channel YouTube)

Setagaya Penguin Monogatari ~Petit anime for heart and body~
Episode 1 Corona and mental health a new window will open
Episode 2 let me tell you how i feel a new window will open
Episode 3 The joy of finding a small step a new window will open
Episode 4 Tips for rejuvenating the mind a new window will open

How to prepare your mind and body to not lose to Corona

Are you feeling tired from the changes in your daily life caused by the new coronavirus infection? The video provides easy-to-understand tips on how to deal with stress and prepare your mind and body.

Click on the "content" of each session to move to the video (Setagaya City Official Channel YouTube)

Lecturer: Yutaka Ohno

A leading expert in cognitive therapy in Japan, Advisor to the Center for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, National Center for Psychiatry and Neurological Medicine, and Chairman of the Center for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Training and Development. As chairman of the Setagaya Ward Suicide Countermeasures Council, he is also involved in formulating the Setagaya Ward Suicide Countermeasure Basic Policy.

Materials used in the video

open the pdf file 1st  open the pdf file 2nd time open the pdf file 3rd time open the pdf file 4th

(Note) Unauthorized reproduction and secondary use are prohibited.

COVID-19 and Mental Health

How to keep your heart healthy?

The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued advice on coping with the stress of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Contact your loved ones and let's talk

It's normal to feel sad, stressed, confused, scared, and angry during a crisis. Talking to someone you trust can make you feel better. Get in touch with your friends and family.

live a healthy life

When you must stay at home, eat, sleep, and exercise appropriately, and value contact with society, such as relationships with family members who live with you, and e-mails and phone calls with distant family members and friends.

Let's create a life rhythm from meals

Let's eat by combining various dishes

National Center for Psychiatry and Neurology, Institute of Mental Health, Department of Sleep and Arousal Disorders "To maintain sleep health" a new window will open

Setagaya Ward Public Health Center Health information a new window will open

Avoid tobacco, alcohol and drugs

Do not rely on cigarettes, alcohol, or drugs to calm yourself down. If you feel unbearable, talk to a healthcare professional or counselor. Make a plan for where and how to get help for your physical and mental health if you need it.

(Supplement) If you are worried about alcohol, drugs, etc., please see "For those who are worried about alcohol, drugs, gambling, games, etc." on this page.

Get the facts right

Gather information that will help you make an accurate assessment of your risk so that you can take appropriate precautions. Look for reliable sources of information, such as the WHO website or local or national health authorities.

Stay away from disturbing news reports

Reduce anxiety and agitation by reducing the amount of time you and your family spend watching or listening to media reports that cause anxiety.

Leverage Your Skills

Use the skills that have helped you overcome adversity in the past. Use those skills to help you manage your emotions during the difficult times of this epidemic.

open the pdf file WHO Kobe Center "Coping with stress during epidemics"

Why don't you check your "corona fatigue" with "Kokoro no Thermometer"?

"Kokoro no Thermometer" is a system that allows you to easily check your stress and depression levels anytime, anywhere. Please help us to care for your heart.

Mental health check with "heart thermometer"!

cat 1
Judgment result image (stress level, low)
cat 2
Judgment result image (stress level, high)

Why don't you check the state of "Kokoro" with "KOKOROBO"? (Cooperative project for research verification)

Do you have stress in your daily life? Stress can build up without you even realizing it and affect your mental health. "Kokorobo" is a psychological consultation room that can be received at home. By simply answering a few questions from your smartphone, AI analyzes your current state of mind and introduces mental services that match the results.

Only for those living in Setagaya Ward, we offer chat-style cognitive behavioral therapy using AI, psychological counseling using an online system, and referral to medical institutions according to the state of mind. Please take advantage of it. First of all, why don't you start your "heart check" now?


KOKOROBO homepage a new window will open
(Supplement) This service is based on the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development's Comprehensive Research and Development Project for Measures for Persons with Disabilities "Construction and practical application of a basic system for emergency remote mental health care in line with social changes such as COVID-19." It is being conducted as a study to verify the effect of promotion.
(Supplement) If using KOKOROBO does not make you feel better and you need support, please contact the reception desk .

KOKOROBO Call Center
e-mail: kokorobo-epro@cmicgroup.com
Phone: 03-6633-3381
(Weekdays and Saturdays 9:00-18:00 (excluding Sundays, national holidays, and year-end and New Year holidays))

Guidance of "mental health consultation"

Mental Health Counseling is available for those who have concerns about their mental health, such as anxiety and worry, persistent depression, and difficulty sleeping, as well as their families. , Health promotion section of each general branch office Health and Welfare Center. Now that stress is increasing due to changes in daily life, please take advantage of the consultation without worrying about your worries alone.

How to consult

Consultation by public health nurse

We are available at any time during reception hours.

Please feel free to contact the general branch office (Health and Welfare Center) that has jurisdiction over your address.

[Reception] Monday to Friday (excluding holidays and year-end and New Year holidays) 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Jurisdiction list for each region
Regional Health Promotion Division jurisdiction health counselor
Setagaya General Branch Health Promotion Section Ikejiri 1-3, Ikejiri 4 (1-32), Mishuku, Taishido, Sangenjaya, Wakabayashi, Setagaya, Sakura, Tsurumaki, Miyasaka, Sakuragaoka, Kyodo, Shimouma, Nozawa, Kamiuma, Komazawa 1-2 03-5432-2896
Kitazawa General Branch Health Promotion Section Ikejiri 4 (33-39), Kitazawa, Ohara, Daizawa, Hanegi, Daita, Matsubara, Umeoka, Gotokuji, Akazutsumi, Sakurajosui


Tamagawa General Branch Health Promotion Section Kamiyoga, Yoga, Sakurashinmachi, Tamagawadai, Seta, Tamagawa, Shinmachi, Komazawa 3-5, Komazawa Park, Fukasawa, Nakamachi, Kaminoge, Noge, Todoroki, Oyamadai, Tamatsutsumi, Okusawa, Tamagawa Denenchofu, Higashi-Tamagawa 03-3702-1982
Kinuta General Branch Health Promotion Section Funabashi, Chitosedai, Soshigaya, Seijo, Kinuta, Kitami, Okura, Kinuta Park, Okamoto, Unane, Kamata 03-3483-3166
Karasuyama General Branch Health Promotion Division North Karasuyama, Minamikarasuyama, Kamikitazawa, Hachimanyama, Kasuya, Kyuda, Kamisoshigaya 03-3308-8246

Mental telephone counseling at night and on holidays

During nights and holidays when the Health Promotion Division is closed, please consult with the Setagaya Ward Public Health Center. (Designated manager: Public Interest Incorporated Foundation Setagaya Ward Public Health Center a new window will open )

Phone number 03-6265-7532 (consultation only)

Reception is until 30 minutes before the end time.

We will start accepting applications on Tuesdays from September 2022.

Mental telephone counseling at night and on holidays (Setagaya Ward Public Health Center)
consultation time

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

5:00pm to 7:00pm

Peer consultation

7:00pm to 10:00pm

Professional consultation

Saturdays and public holidays

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

2:00pm - 4:00pm

Peer consultation

4:00pm - 8:00pm

Professional consultation

(Supplement) Excludes the year-end and New Year holidays (December 29th to January 3rd).

(Supplement) Peer consultations are consultations by parties who have undergone counselor training.

"Mental health consultation" by a psychiatrist (reservation required)

If you would like to consult, please contact the Health Counseling Section of the Health Promotion Section of the general branch office in your area. a new window will open Please contact

(Supplement) About schedule, please see "heart health consultation leaflet".

open the pdf file Mental Health Consultation Flyer

(Note) Consultation hours vary depending on the Health and Welfare Center Health Promotion Section of each general branch office. Please confirm at the time of booking.

(Note) The schedule is subject to change, so be sure to contact us in advance to make a reservation.

About consultation about grief

Face-to-face individual consultations and telephone consultations are provided as support for those who are suffering alone due to grief (major grief due to the death of a close relative) or emotional pain.

In addition, we hold a series of lectures as a way to raise awareness about grief support.

Go to Setagaya City Grief Support Project page

For those who are worried about alcohol, drugs, gambling, games, etc.

Is there such a thing? ``I end up drinking too much because I drink earlier than usual'', ``I lose track of time and get absorbed in the internet or playing games'', ``I worry about recurrence due to recess from self-help groups, etc.'', etc.

As people are forced to change their lifestyles, such as working from home and refraining from going out to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection, anyone can become addicted, such as drinking more than usual and spending more time on the internet or playing games. It's a comfortable environment. In addition, due to the situation where people are required to refrain from various activities, it is no longer possible to hold voluntary groups such as Danshukai and AA (Alcoholics Anonymous), which serve as a base for people with addiction and their families.

What is addiction?

“Once you start using alcohol, drugs, gambling, etc., you cannot quit on your own will.” It could be a disease called addiction. Addiction is a "disease" in which the part of the brain that acts as a brake is broken by repeating an addictive thing, and it becomes impossible to control cravings. First of all, it is important to acquire correct knowledge about the disease of addiction.

Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare "For those who want to know more about addiction" a new window will open

Symptoms and signs of addiction

The official website of the National Center for Addiction Control introduces various symptoms and signs of addiction.

National Center for Addiction Control "Awareness of Addiction" a new window will open

Guide to addiction counseling

We offer addiction consultations (reservation required) by psychiatrists at five locations in the city for those who are concerned about addiction and for family members who are having trouble dealing with it. Please feel free to contact us if you have any problems.

Consultation method

If you would like to consult, please contact the Health Counseling Section of the Health Promotion Section of the general branch office in your area. a new window will open Please contact After consultation with the public health nurse, depending on the situation, we will guide you to "addiction consultation" by a psychiatrist.

(Note) Please refer to the "Addiction Counseling Flyer" for the schedule and location.

open the pdf file Addiction consultation leaflet

(Note) For consultations with public health nurses, contact the Health Counseling Section of the Health Promotion Section of each general branch office . a new window will open at any time.

Related Links

Inquiries about this page

Setagaya Public Health Center Health Promotion Section

telephone number 03-5432-2947

facsimile 03-5432-3102

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