Nursing Care Benefits/Training Benefits/Consultation Support

Service type and content

Nursing care benefits

In-home nursing care (home help)

At home, care for bathing, excretion, meals, etc. Depending on the purpose, there are "physical care", "housework assistance", "hospital assistance", etc.

action support

When people with limited self-judgment ability act, we provide the necessary support and outing support to avoid danger.

Severe home-visit care

For people with severe physical disabilities, severe intellectual disabilities, or mental disabilities who have significant behavioral difficulties and who always need nursing care at home, assistance with bathing, excretion, meals, and movement support when going out. etc., in a comprehensive manner.

Comprehensive support for persons with severe disabilities

We provide multiple services such as in-home nursing care comprehensively for people who have a high need for long-term care.

Short-term admission (short stay)

If the person receiving care at home is ill, the facility provides care for bathing, excretion, eating, etc. for a short period of time, including at night.

accompanying support

For those who have significant mobility difficulties due to visual impairment, we provide necessary support, excretion, meals, etc. when traveling or outside.

Nursing care

For those who require medical care and constant nursing care, we provide functional training, treatment management, nursing care, nursing care, and daily life care at medical institutions.

life care

For those who always need nursing care, we provide daytime care such as bathing, toileting, eating, etc., and provide opportunities for creative and productive activities.

Facility admission support

For those who enter the facility, we provide nursing care for bathing, excretion, meals, etc. at night and on holidays.

Benefits for training, etc.

self-reliance training

In order to be able to lead an independent daily life or social life, we will provide necessary training for improving physical function and living ability for a certain period of time.

Employment transition support

For those who wish to work at a general company, etc., we provide necessary training for a certain period of time to improve the knowledge and skills necessary for employment.

Employment continuation support (A type, B type)

For those who find it difficult to work at a general company, etc., we provide a place to work and provide the necessary training to improve knowledge and skills.

Employment settlement support

For those who have transitioned to general employment, we will provide support to deal with life-related issues associated with employment.

independent living assistance

In order to supplement the understanding and living skills necessary for living alone, regular home visits and occasional support will be provided to understand problems in daily life and provide necessary support.

Community living support (group home)

At night and on holidays, we provide consultation, bathing, excretion, meal care, and other daily life assistance at a communal residence.

Consultation support

Plan consultation support

Service usage support
Before making payment decisions related to applications for welfare services for persons with disabilities, etc., we will create a plan for using services, etc. After making decisions on payment, we will liaise and coordinate with service providers, etc., and create a plan for using services, etc.

Consultation support for children with disabilities

Child with a disability support use assistance
Before the payment decision related to the application for support for handicapped children, we will prepare a plan for the use of support for children with disabilities. .

Regional consultation support

Regional transition support
For those who are admitted or hospitalized in facilities, etc., we provide support such as securing housing and consultation to transition to life in the community.

Community settlement support
For those who live alone at home, we will ensure a constant contact system and provide necessary support in an emergency.

Application procedure

Bring the following documents, etc., and come to the welfare office window in your jurisdiction. After the application, payment will be decided through the following procedures.

Documents required for application

  • Techo holders: Physical Disability Techo, Love Techo, Mental Disability Health Welfare Techo
  • Patients with intractable diseases, etc.: A certificate that proves that you are suffering from the target disease (medical certificate or specific disease medical care recipient certificate, etc.)
  • Those who wish to apply for exemption: passbook (for the person's pension, benefits, and for the person with the highest income)
  • "Household Exception" Applicant: Health insurance card

Flow from application to payment decision

When using a service that requires certification of the disability support category, it is necessary to submit a doctor's opinion.

Standard processing period from application to payment decision

Within 30 days from the date of submission of the application form (However, this excludes cases where there are special reasons, such as the time required to investigate the situation of persons with disabilities or children with disabilities pertaining to the application form.)

Mechanism of User Fee

For inquiries, please contact the welfare office that has jurisdiction over your address.

  • Itabashi Welfare Office Person with Disabilities Support Section
    Telephone 03-3579-2460
    Fax 03-3579-2364
  • Akatsuka Welfare Office Person with Disabilities Support Section
    Telephone 03-3938-5118
    Fax 03-3938-5820
  • Shimura Welfare Office Persons with Disabilities Support Section
    Telephone 03-3968-2337
    Fax 03-3965-0180

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Welfare Department Disability Service Section Community Life Support Section
2-66-1 Itabashi, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo 173-8501
Phone: 03-3579-2736 Fax: 03-3579-4159
Please use the dedicated form for inquiries to the Welfare Department Disability Service Section.

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