About the long-term care insurance system

What is the long-term care insurance system?

The long-term care insurance system is a system that allows users to use the necessary services based on their own choices so that they can live as independently as possible in their familiar area even if they need nursing care. am.

About idea and resources of long- term care insurance system, please see page with long-term care insurance system .

Participant of long-term care insurance

Participant (insured person) of long-term care insurance is ward resident 40 years or older.

About qualification of insured person of nursing care insurance, please see page of person targeted for nursing care insurance .

Long-term care insurance card

Nursing care insurance card is issued when you reach the month before your 65th birthday (two months before your birthday if your birthday is on the first day of the month), when you move to Setagaya Ward from another municipality, It is issued when support certification is decided.

For more information, please see the Nursing Care Insurance Card page.

Procedures for using long-term care insurance services

Please also refer to the pamphlet "Easy-to -understand long-term care insurance ".

  • Flow from applying for long-term care insurance to using the service
  • Available services
  • Service cost

    This pamphlet provides an easy-to-understand summary of

    You can see it from the page of long- term care insurance (brochure) that you can understand well .

    In order to use long-term care insurance services, certification of need for long-term care or support is required.

    In order to use long-term care insurance services, it is necessary to receive certification for long-term care or support.

    First of all, please consult with the Anshin Sukoyaka Center (Regional Comprehensive Support Center) in charge of your area or the Regional Support Section of the Health and Welfare Division of the general branch office.

    Contact point (application/consultation point)

    Anshin Sukoyaka Center (Regional Comprehensive Support Center)

    For contact information for each region,

    Please see the Anshin Sukoyaka Center (Regional Comprehensive Support Center) page.

    Regional Support Section, Health and Welfare Division, General Branch Office

    For contact information for each region,

    Please see the page of the General Branch Health and Welfare Division Regional Support Section .

    About the flow from applying for certification to using the service

    Please see the page from application for certification of need for long-term care/support to use of services .

    Service type

    You can use services according to the level of nursing care required.

    For specific service types, please see our Service Types page.

    Nursing care provider information

    On the nursing care provider information page (you can search for nursing care providers) , you can search for nursing care service providers whose service area is Setagaya Ward and check the availability of nursing care service offices and facilities. I can.

    User burden of long-term care insurance service

    If you use the service, in principle, you will bear 10% of the cost, and those with income above a certain level will bear 20% or 30%. For more details, please see page of user burden rate when we used care insurance service .

    Long-term care insurance contribution ratio certificate

    For those who are certified as needing long-term care or support, we will issue a long-term care insurance co-payment ratio certificate stating the user's co-payment ratio.

    For more details, please see page of long- term care insurance burden ratio proof .

    Payment limit

    For main at-home services, the upper limit of the amount that can be used (payment limit) is set according to the level of nursing care required. For more information, please see the payment limit standard amount page.

    Reduction of user burden

    There is a system to pay the amount exceeding the upper limit when the user's burden of long-term care insurance becomes high, and a system to reduce the user's burden for low-income people.

    For details, please see the page on reducing the burden on users .

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