What is the Consortium for Prevention of Secondary Health Damage?

The Consortium for Prevention of Secondary Health Damage is an organization made up of experts such as doctors and scholars, municipalities across the country, and volunteers from private companies. In this consortium, after taking appropriate measures against infectious diseases, the importance of preventing secondary damage to health is emphasized so that citizens can live a happy daily life, such as going out, traveling, health activities, consumption, and maintaining connections with people. We are doing activities to widely convey to the world and protect the health of the nation.
Nerima Ward supports the activity philosophy of this consortium and will continue to provide information to protect the health of residents from secondary health damage.

Health Secondary Damage Prevention Consortium Official Homepage (external site) Open in new window.
Health secondary damage prevention consortium formula YouTube channel (the outside site) Open in new window.

Link to the Consortium for Prevention of Secondary Health DamageLink to external site: Opens in a new window.

Reference material

We have added a new leaflet, "Need for Nursing Care Increased Due to the Corona Crisis, Prevent Now!!"

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