[Please check here first] For those who have been found to be positive for the new coronavirus

From September 26, 2022, the target of notification of outbreak of new coronavirus infectious disease will be limited nationwide.

Regarding the review of the system for measures against the new coronavirus infectious disease at the Bunkyo Public Health Center

Person who is targeted for report of outbreak

  • Over 65 years old
  • Those requiring hospitalization
  • There is a risk of aggravation (*) and administration of new corona therapeutic drugs is necessary
  • Those who are at risk of aggravation (*) and who newly need oxygen administration
  • pregnant woman
aggravation risk

Malignant tumor, chronic respiratory disease, chronic kidney disease, diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, obesity (BMI > 30), smoking, immunodeficiency, HIV infection

Please see the following page for medical treatment.

Treatment, recuperation and support for new coronavirus infections

Those who are not subject to notification of occurrence

If you are not eligible for the notification of the outbreak, please apply for registration at the positive person registration center, and take care of yourself at home and monitor your health.

Those who want support during medical treatment

Please register at the Tokyo Positive Registration Center.

You can receive medical treatment at a metropolitan accommodation facility, health observation with My HER-SYS, and delivery of food and pulse oximeter. For registration, basic information (name, age, address, etc.), photo of identification card, documents that show positive diagnosis, etc. are required.

Tokyo positive person registration center (we link to the outside page)

If you have any questions about how to register with the Tokyo Positive Person Registration Center, please contact the Home Care Support Center (Uchisapo Tokyo).

Home medical care support center (uchisapo Tokyo) (we link to the outside page)

Phone number: 0120-670-440 (every day, 24 hours)

Please check the table below for the flow after the positive is confirmed.

New Coronavirus Infection: To those who have been diagnosed as positive

To those who have been diagnosed as positive for the new coronavirus infection (PDF file; 829KB)

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