For those traveling abroad

When planning to travel abroad

Please gather sufficient information and prepare for your trip before you travel. Please check with your travel agency or airline for the latest information on the spread of the new coronavirus and travel measures, or refer to the link below.

Application for vaccination certificate (vaccine passport)

If you would like to apply for a vaccination certificate (vaccine passport) for the new coronavirus infection, please check the link below.

Responses when returning to (entering) Japan

Please check the following link for information on what to do when returning (entering) Japan from a foreign country.

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Infectious Disease Control Division, Healthy Lifestyle Department
32-15 Oyama Higashimachi, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo 173-0014
Phone: 03-3579-2321 Fax: 03-3579-1337
Please use the dedicated form for inquiries to the Infectious Disease Control Division, Health Ikigai Department.

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