Public smoking area maintenance cost subsidy / Guidance on maintenance cost subsidy for smoking rooms, etc.

As part of promoting the development of a social environment that does not cause unwanted second-hand smoke, there are cases where "smoking areas (public smoking areas) that anyone can use" are being developed in Shinjuku City, and small and medium-sized businesses are setting up indoor "smoking rooms". etc.”

Recruitment period

From May 2, 2020 (Monday) to December 28, 2020 (Wednesday)
  • Prior application is necessary before construction.
  • Construction must be completed so that a performance report can be submitted by Tuesday, February 28, 5th year of Reiwa.

Public smoking area maintenance cost subsidy

Details of subsidy

[Subsidized Expenses]
Expenses related to the installation, renovation, and relocation of public smoking areas (construction costs, design costs, fixtures, equipment costs, etc., excluding amounts equivalent to consumption tax.)

[Subsidy limit]
  • Indoor public smoking area 10 million yen
  • Outdoor public smoking area (container type) 10 million yen
  • Outdoor public smoking area (partition type) 6 million yen

[Subsidy rate]
10/10 of eligible expenses

Subsidy recipients/installation locations

[Subsidy Eligible Persons]
The following persons, excluding the national government, independent administrative agencies, and local governments
  1. Person who owns or uses building in city
  2. Person who owns land in city or uses
*Both corporations, individuals, and groups are allowed.

【Installation location】
  1. Must be in Shinjuku Ward
  2. Places that do not correspond to Type 1 facilities (schools, hospitals, child welfare facilities, etc.) stipulated in Article 28, Item 5 of the Health Promotion Act
  3. Not in a facility that operates an amusement business or similar business as stipulated in Article 2 of the Act on Regulation of Amusement Business, etc. and Optimization of Business

Grant requirements

  1. The floor area of ​​the public smoking area is approximately 5m 2 be above
  2. Be open to the public and be available free of charge
  3. Operate approximately 8 hours or more a day and 5 days or more a week
  4. Not receiving subsidies from the national or metropolitan government, etc., and operating indoor/outdoor container type for at least 5 years and outdoor partition type for 10 years after construction
  5. Place a guide display that describes the contents instructed by the city at the place designated by the city.
  6. The locations of public smoking areas, etc. must be posted on the Shinjuku City website, etc., and must be in a state where they can be widely disseminated to the general public.
  7. The form and operation must not conflict with laws and regulations and be contrary to public order and morals.
  8. Neighboring residents, tenants, town associations, store associations, etc. must be informed in advance about the establishment of public smoking areas, etc., and their understanding has been obtained.
  9. Take sufficient measures not to cause unwanted passive smoking
  10. Must meet the standards stipulated by laws and regulations
  11. The indoor type shall be a closed structure surrounded by walls and ceilings and equipped with an outdoor exhaust system.
  12. The outdoor type should be partitioned with containers or partitions, etc., and should be installed as far away as possible from building entrances, windows, areas with high traffic, etc., in consideration of the surrounding conditions.

Subsidies for maintenance costs of smoking rooms, etc.

Details of subsidy

[Subsidized Expenses]
Expenses related to the installation, renovation, and relocation of smoking rooms, etc. (smoking rooms, designated tobacco smoking rooms, smoking rooms) (construction costs, design costs, equipment costs, machinery and equipment costs, excluding amounts equivalent to consumption tax.)

[Subsidy limit]
2.5 million yen

[Subsidy rate]
9/10 of eligible expenses

Subsidized person

  1. A person who is the manager or manager of a second-class facility in the city, is a small or medium-sized business operator other than those who operate accommodation facilities and eating and drinking facilities, and has no substantial participation in management by a large company.
  2. A person who installs a shared smoking room, etc. at multiple facilities, including one or more complex facilities or facilities operated by small and medium-sized enterprises in the city.
  3. Small and medium-sized businesses at tobacco stores in the city

Grant requirements

  1. Installation location must be in Shinjuku Ward
  2. The place of installation must not be a facility for amusement business as stipulated in Article 2 of the Amusement Business Act.
  3. The floor area of ​​the smoking room, etc. is approximately 2m 2 be above
  4. Free use of smoking rooms, etc.
  5. Must not receive subsidies from the national or metropolitan government, and must operate for at least 3 years after construction
  6. Place a guide display that describes the contents instructed by the city at the place designated by the city.
  7. It must be a closed structure surrounded by walls and ceilings and equipped with an outdoor exhaust system.
  8. Must meet the standards stipulated by laws and regulations
  9. The form and operation shall not conflict with laws and regulations and be contrary to public order and morals.
  10. Take sufficient measures not to cause unwanted passive smoking
  • 2020 Shinjuku City Smoking Room, etc. Subsidy Guide for Maintenance Costs [PDF format: 418KB] (New window display)

Procedure flow

1 Preliminary consultation

Please inquire at the counter of the Health Department, Sanitation Division Administration Section (Second Branch Government Building, 3rd floor) or by telephone (03-5273-3838).

2 Application

To apply for the grant, please submit the following documents.
  1. Issuance application form
  2. Copy of certificate of registered matters or rental agreement
  3. Area map of installation location, drawing of smoking area
  4. A copy of the estimate for installation costs
  5. Consent form (e.g. owner consent form)
  6. Other documents deemed necessary by the head of the ward

3 Examination and grant decision

We will check the site and review the submitted documents.
If we find it appropriate, we will notify you with a subsidy grant decision notification.

4 Completion from construction contract, ordering, and construction

Please start construction after receiving notification of grant decision.
When you change construction contents at the time of application, please apply by "change application".
*Please complete the construction so that we can submit a performance report by Tuesday, February 28, 2023.

5 Completion report

After the construction is completed, please submit a performance report.
*Final submission deadline: Tuesday, February 28, 2023

【Attached document】
  • Copy of receipt pertaining to installation work, etc.
  • Documents that show the breakdown of construction expenses
  • Other documents deemed necessary by the head of the ward

6 Determining the amount of the subsidy and claiming the subsidy

We will determine and notify you of the amount of the subsidy after examination through on-site surveys, etc. Please submit a “delivery request form” for the fixed amount.

7 Subsidies

We transfer to designated bank account of applicant.


The national government (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare) and the Tokyo metropolitan government provide subsidies for the establishment of smoking rooms.
In addition, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government is carrying out a specialized advisory business regarding the establishment of smoking rooms, etc.
[Inquiries] 0570-069690 (Mokumoku Zero)

Inquiries about this page

Shinjuku ward Health Department - Sanitation Division (Shinjuku Ward Public Health Center)
Telephone 03-5273-3838 FAX 03-3209-1441

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