Please take advantage of it! Comprehensive information booklet for the elderly "Guide to help elderly people live"

■We issued "help guide (2022 version) of elderly person living".
This is a comprehensive information booklet for the elderly, which summarizes information such as services and businesses that can be used by the elderly, and where to consult when in trouble.
Various services and contact points are introduced in large, easy-to-read, easy-to-understand letters, and at the end of the book, a space is provided for you to write your own emergency contact information, etc.
As you distribute in each following facilities, please utilize.

■ Distribution location
・Senior Citizens Support Division (Ward Office 2nd Floor, Counter 4)
・Elderly General Counseling Center
・Special branch office
・Regional exchange center
・Senior Activity Hall, etc.

Inquiries about this page

Shinjuku ward Welfare Department - Elderly Support Division
Senior Citizen Support Section
TEL 03-5273-4305
FAX 03-5272-0352

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