Pneumococcal vaccination for the elderly

Vaccination of Streptococcus pneumoniae for elderly people is routine immunization based on the Immunization Act . However, pneumococcal vaccination for the elderly is not compulsory, and is performed when the person himself/herself wishes to be vaccinated.

Target audience

Those eligible for routine pneumococcal immunization for the elderly must live in Nakano Ward and have never been vaccinated against the pneumococcal vaccine for the elderly. ) Those who fall under any of the transitional measures.

For the date of birth and age of those eligible this year, please see Pneumococcal Vaccination for the Elderly Persons eligible for routine immunization in 2022 .

(1) Principles (Article 1-3 of the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Preventive Vaccination Law )

  1. Those who are 65 years old on the last day of the fiscal year on which the vaccination is given
  2. Those who are 60 to 64 years old on the day of vaccination and have a disability equivalent to grade 1 in the physical disability certificate in either the heart, kidneys, respiratory system, or immune function.

In addition, due to long-term medical treatment (Article 2-4 of the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Preventive Vaccination Law ) or special circumstances (Article 2-5 of the same Ordinance), those who have received pneumococcal vaccination for the elderly at the target age of 1 or 2 above If you were unable to receive the vaccination, you can receive a pneumococcal vaccination for the elderly within one year of becoming eligible for the vaccination (Article 1-3, Paragraph 2 of the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Immunization Act). If you wish, please contact the Nakano Ward Public Health Center Immunization Section (telephone 03-3382-6500 ).

(2) Transitional measures until 2023

Those who fall under both of the following 1 and 2 are eligible to receive pneumococcal vaccination for the elderly as a transitional measure.

  1. 65 years old, 70 years old, 75 years old, 80 years old, 85 years old, 90 years old, 95 years old, 100 years old on the last day of the fiscal year on which the vaccination is given
  2. Those who have never been vaccinated with "pneumococcal vaccine (23-valent)" in the past

For more information, please see Pneumococcal Vaccination for the Elderly Persons eligible for routine immunization in 2022 .


Self-pay amount 1,500 yen
  • Originally, the co-payment is 4,000 yen, but due to a subsidy by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, the co-payment will be 1,500 yen until FY2023.
  • Preliminary examination slips exempt from self-payment are sent to those who are receiving public assistance and those who are receiving support benefits for Japanese remaining in China.

*In 2022, we sent the pre-examination slips to the eligible people on April 28. For those who have moved or lost their card, and wish to have a pre-examination slip issued, please see Issuance and reissuance of pre-examination slips .

Inoculation method

Inoculation period

Until March 31, 2023

Medical institution which can inoculate

For medical institutions (contracted medical institutions) in Nakano City, please see the list of contracted medical institutions for pneumococcal vaccination for the elderly in Nakano City.

What to bring to a medical institution

On the day of the vaccination, please bring all of the following items 1 to 3 to the medical institution where you made the reservation.

  1. Pneumococcal vaccination pre-examination form for the elderly (fill in the required items in advance)
  2. Health insurance card
  3. Out-of-pocket expenses

In addition, if the doctor diagnoses that you are not suitable for vaccination on the day, you cannot be vaccinated. Even if you do not inoculate, the pre-examination vote will be used when the doctor's examination is performed. If you wish to be vaccinated, please apply for reissuance of the pre-examination slip.

When inoculating outside Nakano Ward (within the 23 wards of Tokyo)

If the medical institution you are going to receive is a contracted medical institution in that ward, you can inoculate it with the "Pneumococcal Vaccination Preliminary Examination Sheet for the Elderly" of Nakano Ward. Please contact the medical institution you wish to visit or the department in charge of vaccination at the ward office to find out if it is a contracted medical institution in that ward (you do not need to contact Nakano Ward).

When inoculating outside the 23 wards of Tokyo

If you are vaccinated outside of Tokyo's 23 wards, you will need a document called "Routine Vaccination Request Form" at the time of vaccination. Please check the application method below and apply well in advance of the vaccination. Please note that if you do not apply for the "Routine Immunization Request Form" and get vaccinated outside of Tokyo's 23 wards, you will not be able to apply for the vaccination cost subsidy.

Application method

In the case of application at the window

Please bring something (such as a health insurance card) that can be used to confirm the person who wishes to be vaccinated at the following window, and apply for issuance of a "Vaccination Request Form" at one of the following five facilities.

  1. Nakano Ward Public Health Center Vaccination Section (Counter 4 on the 2nd floor)
  2. Chubu Healthy Welfare Center
  3. Northern Healthy Welfare Center
  4. Southern Healthy Welfare Center
  5. Saginomiya Healthy Welfare Center
When applying by mail

If you wish to apply by mail, please fill in the necessary items on the " Pneumococcal vaccination request form for the elderly " and mail it to the Nakano Ward Public Health Center. If you cannot download the application form, please contact the Nakano Ward Public Health Center Immunization Section (03-3382-6500). About flow of issuance, please confirm " about 2022 about issuance of Streptococcus pneumoniae vaccination request book for elderly people ".



2-17-4 Nakano, Nakano-ku

Nakano Ward Public Health Center Health Prevention Division Vaccination Section

Vaccination cost subsidy when inoculating with "Vaccination Request Form"

If you vaccinate with the "Vaccination Request Form", we will subsidize part of the self-pay amount. If you are interested, please bring the following four items to the Nakano Ward Public Health Center Immunization Section (Counter 4 on the 2nd floor) and apply for the cost subsidy. (The payment method for the subsidy is bank transfer only.)

  1. Receipt of the vaccination medical institution (with the address, name, receipt stamp of the medical institution, and the details of the vaccination)
  2. A copy of the inoculated vaccination slip
  3. Document that shows the account number of the bank transfer (if the bank account is not the account of the person eligible for vaccination, a letter of proxy is also required)
  4. A seal that uses red ink

If you wish to apply by mail, please contact the Nakano Ward Public Health Center Immunization Section (telephone 03-3382-6500).

Inoculation interval with new coronavirus infectious disease vaccine

New coronavirus infectious disease vaccine and pneumococcal vaccine for the elderly cannot be inoculated at the same time.
Regardless of which one is given first, the other vaccine can be given two weeks after the first one.
Please consult your doctor at your local medical institution about the vaccination schedule, etc., and then get vaccinated.

Effect of pneumococcal vaccine

  • The pneumococcal vaccine is a vaccine that prevents pneumococcal pneumonia.
  • Pneumococcal pneumonia accounts for 25-40% of pneumonia in adults, and aggravation in the elderly is a particular problem.
  • There are many types of pneumococci, but the current pneumococcal vaccine can immunize about 80% of the types distributed in Japan. It also helps prevent respiratory infections caused by pneumococci, sinusitis, otitis media, and meningitis . The antibody titer peaks 1 month after vaccination, and does not decrease significantly for the next 4 years. The antibody titer after 5 years is about 80% of the highest value, and the antibody titer gradually declines thereafter. If revaccination is performed in a short period of time, strong side effects at the inoculated site increase, so it is said that revaccination should be done at intervals of 5 years or more.
    In addition, pediatric pneumococcal vaccine (product name " Prevenar 13 ") has not been approved as routine immunization for the elderly. Only saccharide vaccines (product names " Pneumovax NP " and "Pneumovax NP Syringe") are available.

side reaction

  • Immunization injection sites may be sore, red, or swollen.
  • Headache, muscle aches, and fever may also occur.
  • Both usually heal within 5 days.
  • For sudden side effects, please read After Inoculation


Precautions when receiving vaccination

Those who cannot receive vaccinations

  • Those with a fever of 37.5 degrees Celsius or higher
  • Those with serious acute illness
  • Those with immune disorders
  • Those who have previously experienced anaphylactic shock (severe systemic allergic symptoms such as hives all over the body, vomiting, dyspnea, and decreased blood pressure) within 30 minutes after vaccination.
  • Those judged by a doctor to be unsuitable

Those who need to consult a doctor when receiving vaccinations

  • Those who are undergoing treatment for heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease, or other chronic diseases
  • Those who have had fever, rash, hives, etc. within 2 days after vaccination before
  • Those who have had previous seizures

After inoculation

  • Do not rub the injection site vigorously.
  • Sudden side effects ( anaphylactic shock ) may occur within 30 minutes after vaccination , so please be ready to contact the medical institution where you received the vaccination.
  • Most of the side reactions appear within 24 hours after inoculation . You may take a bath, but avoid strenuous exercise and heavy drinking, and pay attention to your physical condition.
  • Even if you don't know if it's a side reaction or not, if you notice any changes in the injection site or physical condition, immediately see a doctor .
  • For information on the relief system for health damage caused by vaccination, please read If a Health Damage Occurs.
  • The Public Health Center collects and investigates information on health hazards from time to time in order to disseminate health and safety information to residents. If you have any questions, please contact us using the contact information on this page below.

Issuance and re-issuance of pre-examination slips

If you have not received or lost your medical examination slip, or if you wish to receive a pneumococcal vaccination for the elderly, we apologize for the inconvenience, but please bring a document (health insurance card, etc.) and apply for issuance/re-issuance of "Pneumococcal vaccination preliminary examination vote for the elderly".

If you wish to have the certificate issued or reissued by mail, please contact the person in charge of vaccination at the Nakano Ward Public Health Center (telephone 03-3382-6500 ).

Inquiries about this page

Health and Welfare Department Health Prevention Division (Nakano Ward Public Health Center) Health Prevention Section

Nakano Ward Public Health Center 2nd Floor, Counter 4

telephone number 03-3382-6500  fax number 03-3382-7765  Mail form
Reception time 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

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