Points to prevent infection

We publish point of new coronavirus infectious disease prevention.

The risk of the spread of infection increases when the three conditions overlap at the same time. Please do your best to avoid it.
1. Enclosed spaces with poor ventilation
2. crowded with people
3. Conversation and vocalization take place at close range

Illustration of Namisuke washing his hands with soap

Wash your hands frequently with running water and soap. Wash your hands thoroughly, especially after going out, after coughing, and before touching your mouth, nose, or eyes. Also, in order to prevent the infection from spreading to people around you, follow cough etiquette (wear a mask, cover your mouth and nose with your sleeve, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or handkerchief) and avoid places where many people gather. prize. It is also important to maintain your physical strength by maintaining a well-balanced diet and a regular lifestyle. If you have cold symptoms such as fever, take a break from school or work.

Notice from Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare

Notice from Tokyo Metropolitan Government

In the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, the Tokyo iCDC Expert Board Infection Control Team has examined the "New Coronavirus Infectious Disease Prevention for Tokyo Residents" with the goal of having people live with peace of mind after correctly understanding the new coronavirus infectious disease prevention. created a handbook. We have posted useful information such as how the new coronavirus is transmitted and what to do to prevent infection, so please make use of it.


hand washing method

cough etiquette

About masks

How to dispose of masks, etc.

About disinfection

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Inquiries about this page

Suginami Public Health Center Health Prevention Division Infectious Disease Section
5-20-1 Ogikubo, Suginami-ku, Tokyo 167-0051 Phone: 03-3391-1025 (direct) Fax: 03-3391-1927

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