Novavax vaccination (boost)

Inoculation target person

  • Completed the second dose 18+ All people of (3rd to 5th vaccination)
  • Those who have not been vaccinated against the Omicron strain

Number of inoculations


*According to the Vaccination Law, one booster vaccination is required per person. This year's corona vaccine is over with the vaccination becomes.

Inoculation interval

since last vaccination 6 months that's all

Vaccine used

Takeda Vaccine (Novavac)

*It is not a vaccine for Omicron strain (bivalent).

Inoculation cost

Free (full public expense)


Group vaccination venues can be reserved at the city call center, website, or counter. Some medical institutions accept reservations through call centers and websites, while others accept reservations directly at their own hospitals.

  • Koto Ward New Corona Vaccination Call Center Tel0120-115-721 (8:30-17:30, also on weekends and holidays)
  • Homepage for exclusive use of Koto-ku new model corona vaccination reservation (we link to the outside site)
  • Window (Koto Ward Office 8F, etc.)

 Inoculation venue

Please check the following page for details such as vaccination venues and available dates and times.

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