About overpayment of child allowance July 26

Updated: July 26, 2022

Regarding the child allowance for April and May paid on June 13, 2022, it turned out that due to an error in the system settings, the amount was larger than the amount that should have been paid.

  1. Target audience
    125 people Some recipients, etc. who are raising children who are not eligible for payment due to reaching the age of 15 at the end of March 2022, and the amount of payment has been reduced or the eligibility has been extinguished from April of the same year.
  2. amount of overpayment
    1,840,000 yen (10,000 yen or 20,000 yen per person)
  3. Response status For those who have made an error in the payment amount, we will explain the situation, apologize, and provide guidance on how to return the overpaid amount by phone and in writing.
  4. Recurrence prevention measures This time, the cause was a human error in the settings when transferring information due to the replacement of the welfare system in January 2022, and the system development company was visually confirmed by multiple people. In addition to providing guidance to strengthen the check system of the entire organization, we will strive to prevent recurrence by thoroughly sharing information between the city and the system development company.


Child-rearing Support Section Child-rearing Support Section Telephone: 03-3546-5350

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