Prevention of aggravation of diabetic nephropathy
Tokyo Metropolitan Diabetic Nephropathy Prevention Program
Based on the revision of the national program in April 2019 and the implementation status of efforts by municipalities in Tokyo, the Tokyo Medical Association will aim to further promote cooperation with related parties and the content of efforts, etc., in response to implementation issues. , the Tokyo Diabetes Countermeasures Promotion Council and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government jointly revised the "Tokyo Metropolitan Diabetic Nephropathy Prevention Program".
Diabetic nephropathy aggravation prevention project Workshop for medical personnel
Delivery date and time
From Thursday, October 20, 2022 to Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Doctors, dentists, pharmacists, municipal employees, etc. in Tokyo
Implementation method
On-demand method (distribute recorded video)
How to apply [Application deadline] Monday, October 3, 2020 *Applications have closed.
Workshop guidance flyer (PDF: 367KB)
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