For safe treatment in the community ~Shinjuku City Home Medical and Nursing Care Support Information~

In Shinjuku City, we are promoting efforts to build a home care system so that residents can lead a recuperative life with peace of mind in the area where they are accustomed to living even if they need medical care and nursing care.

"I want to start home care, but where should I consult?"
"Is there a doctor who can come to my house?"
I think there are many things that you don't understand when you start recuperating at home.

This booklet introduces the image of home care, consultation services for home care, and medical and nursing care services that can be received at home.

This is a book that we would like many residents to use so that you and your family can receive medical treatment at home with peace of mind.

[Where it is distributed]
◎ Elderly General Counseling Center
◎ Health Policy Division Regional Medical Section (Home Medical Consultation Desk)
◎ Health Center
◎ Special branch offices, etc.

To see the information in the booklet

You can download and view the "For Recuperating in the Community with Peace of Mind - Shinjuku City Home Medical and Nursing Care Support Information - 2022".

Finding information on home medical and nursing care support organizations in Shinjuku City

Inquiries about this page

Shinjuku ward Health Department - Health Policy Division
Community medicine section
Phone: 03-5273-3839
Fax: 03-5273-3876

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