Dental and oral health check and fluoride application business

Fluorine coating business for children

To keep your teeth healthy for the rest of your life, it is important to develop healthy habits for your teeth and mouth from a young age. In Shinjuku City, dental care institutions with dental supporters (*) provide free dental and oral health checks and fluoride treatments to strengthen the quality of teeth (twice a year). If you do not wish to receive fluoride treatment, you can receive only a health check of your teeth and mouth.
Please take this opportunity to talk to us about your daily troubles and questions, such as tips for brushing your teeth and how to take snacks.

*In Shinjuku City, dentists and dental hygienists who support child-rearing are called "dental supporters."


From May 1, 2020 to March 31, 2023 (during consultation hours excluding holidays)
*The implementation period is about one year. Based on the spread of the new coronavirus infection, please decide when to see a doctor.


Designated dental medical institution in the city


Those who live in the city and were born between April 2, 2015 and April 1, 2020


Please visit a dental institution designated by the ward and bring your consultation slip.
Consultation votes and notices (list of dental medical institutions) will be sent to all eligible applicants at the end of April.
If you are eligible and do not have a consultation ticket, please contact the following contact information. I will send you a medical examination slip.

contact information

Health Promotion Section, Health Promotion Promotion Section (2nd Branch Government Building, Branch Office, 4th Floor)
Phone: 03 -5273-3047 Fax: 03-5273-3930



Please check this out for details.


Inquiries about this page

Shinjuku ward Health Department - Health Promotion Section
Health Promotion Promotion Section
Phone: 03-5273-3047 FAX: 03-5273-3930

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