About correspondence to new coronavirus infectious disease in nursery school, children's garden

Nursery schools and children's centers operate with thorough infection prevention measures.

Regarding the new coronavirus infection, the number of new infections has increased nationwide since July, and the infection is spreading rapidly in Shinjuku Ward. As the replacement of the Omicron strain with the BA.5 strain progresses, the government should review the waiting period for close contacts from 7 days to 5 days from the perspective of maintaining socioeconomic activities in response to the rapid increase in the number of infected people. I did.
Nursery schools and children's centers in Shinjuku City will continue to operate with thorough infection prevention measures, so we ask for your understanding and cooperation.

About correspondence to new coronavirus infectious disease in nursery school, child institution

About reduction of childcare fees

About the reduction of childcare fees related to the new coronavirus infection

Requests to refrain from going to kindergarten until now

Inquiries about this page

Shinjuku ward Children and Family Division - Nursery Division
Administration Phone: 03-5273-4525 Fax: 03-3209-2795

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