[12 years old and over] Vaccination information for Omicron strain (after the 3rd time)

[Omicron strain vaccine should be administered once per person]


  • Depending on the past vaccination history, the Omicron strain vaccine may be administered 3rd, 4th, or 5th time .
  • There are two types of vaccines for Omicron strains (“BA.1 compatible type” and “BA.4-5 compatible type”), but each person can be inoculated with either one .
  • At the moment, vaccination is over after one dose.

*You can check the vaccination status of the Omicron strain vaccine by the lot sticker affixed to the vaccination certificate part of the vaccination ticket.

[Important points regarding vaccination tickets]

  • For those who have the 3rd and 4th vaccination tickets, we have sent the vaccination tickets again.
  • When you receive the vaccination ticket for the Omicron strain vaccine, please dispose of the unused 3rd and 4th vaccination ticket.
  • If you received the Omicron strain vaccine with the 3rd or 4th vaccination ticket, please discard the newly received Omicron strain vaccination ticket.

table of contents

  1. Period during which vaccination can be received
  2. Inoculation target
  3. Number of inoculations
  4. Inoculation interval
  5. Vaccine used and target age for vaccination
  6. Instructions
  7. [12 to 15 years old] Precautions for vaccination
  8. Vaccine effectiveness and safety (Excerpt from Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare materials)
  9. Inoculation ticket shipping schedule
  10. Handling of vaccination tickets
  11. Inoculation venue
  12. Reservation method
  13. reference

Period during which vaccination can be received

Until March 31, 2023

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Inoculation target

Those aged 12 and over who have completed the 1st and 2nd vaccinations

*If you would like to receive the 1st and 2nd doses, please click here.

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Number of inoculations

Regardless of the type of new corona vaccine that has been inoculated so far, it ends with one vaccination

*Omicron strain vaccine can be inoculated once per person with either BA.1 compatible type or BA.4-5 compatible type.

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Inoculation interval

3 months after the last vaccination date

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Vaccine used and target age for vaccination

Place of inoculation Vaccine used Target age for inoculation
  • Medical institution in the ward
  • Adachi Ward Medical Association/Holiday Emergency Clinic
BA.4-5 compatible vaccine (Pfizer)*1 12+
  • Ward Office Hall

BA.4-5 compatible vaccine (Pfizer)*2


*1 From October 18th (Tue), vaccination will start sequentially from medical institutions that are ready *2 From January 6th (Fri), switch to Pfizer vaccine

Types and features of bivalent vaccines for Omicron strains

The bivalent vaccine contains the components of the Omicron strain in addition to the components of the conventional strain. There are two types of vaccines because there are two types of components of the Omicron strain (BA.1 and BA.4-5). Its effects are:

  • BA.1 and BA.4-5 are both Omicron strain types (substrains). Therefore, both BA.1 and BA.4-5 responses are expected to be more effective than conventional monovalent vaccines against the Omicron strain, which is currently the epidemic. increase.
  • In addition, whether it is a BA.1-compatible type or a BA.4-5-compatible type, there are two types of components, the conventional strain and the Omicron strain, so that the induced immunity is also more diverse. It is possible that it reacts to the virus.

Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare data: Vaccination interval is now 3 months
Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare data: Either BA.1 or BA.4-5, whichever comes first, should be given once.
Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Q&A: Which is more effective, the BA.1-compatible vaccine or the BA.4-5-compatible vaccine? Which one should I inoculate? (Link to external site)

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[12 to 15 years old] Precautions for vaccination

  • [Accompanied by a guardian]

Elementary school students: required

Junior high school students and above: In principle, must be accompanied by a guardian (*)

*The Adachi Ward Medical Association recommends that children be accompanied by their guardians in order to provide detailed explanations of the effects and side effects of the vaccine. However, if the vaccination medical institution approves, the vaccine can be given without the guardian's accompaniment if the guardian signs the preliminary examination form. If you are vaccinated without a parent accompanying you, please write down the emergency contact number (a phone number that can be used to contact the parent/guardian at the time of the pre-examination or vaccination) in the “phone number” section of the pre-examination form.

Instructions (for parents of children ages 12-15)

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Vaccine effectiveness and safety (Excerpt from Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare materials)


Expected to be more effective against Omicron strains than conventional vaccines

The booster vaccine for the Omicron strain contains the components of the Omicron strain, so when compared to the conventional vaccine, the immunity that contributes to the prevention of exacerbation, infection, and onset against the Omicron strain is stronger. Induce.

Therefore, it is expected that the Omicron strain will be more effective in preventing severe disease than conventional vaccines, and will also be effective in preventing infection and disease, although the duration may be short.

Being a bivalent vaccine, it reacts to various novel coronaviruses

Due to the presence of two different types of antigens, the induced immunity is also thought to respond to a wider variety of new coronaviruses.

Therefore, it is expected that it is more likely to be effective against future mutant strains.

Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Q&A: What are the effects of vaccination against the Omicron strain?

Safety (side effects)

In the regulatory approval of bivalent vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna, both vaccines exhibited broadly similar symptoms to conventional vaccines.

[Symptoms that appeared 7 days after vaccination]

Expression rate Symptoms (Pfizer) Symptoms (Moderna)
over 50 injection site pain Injection site pain, fatigue
10-50% Fatigue, muscle pain, headache, chills, arthrosis Headache, muscle pain, joint pain, lymphadenopathy, chills, nausea/vomiting
1-10% diarrhea, redness, swelling, fever, vomiting

Erythema/Redness, Swelling/Induration, Fever

Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Q&A: What kind of side effects do Omicron vaccines have?

Inoculation ticket shipping schedule

  • For those who have the 3rd and 4th vaccination tickets, we have sent the vaccination tickets again.
  • When you receive the vaccination ticket for the Omicron strain vaccine, please dispose of the unused 3rd and 4th vaccination ticket.
  • If you received the Omicron strain vaccine with the 3rd or 4th vaccination ticket, please discard the newly received Omicron strain vaccination ticket.
When the last dose was completed Shipment target Scheduled shipping date Target number
~ May 31, 2020

Those aged 55 to 59 who received the third dose as the final vaccination

October 5, 2020 done (red circle) 30,751 people

Those who are 12 years old or older and who have received the 2nd or 3rd dose as the final vaccination and other than the above

October 11, 2020 done (red circle) 315,238 people

Those aged 12 years and over who have received the 4th vaccination as the final vaccination

October 20, 2020 done (red circle) 39 people
June 1st to August 31st, 2022

Those aged 12 and over who have received the 2nd to 4th doses as the final vaccination

October 24, 2020 done (red circle) 170,120 people
September 1st to September 30th, 2022 Those aged 12 and over who have received the 2nd to 4th doses as the final vaccination November 21, 2020 done (red circle)

29,663 people

October 1st to October 31st, 2022 Those aged 12 and over who have received the 2nd to 4th doses as the final vaccination December 19, 2020 done (red circle) 2,518 people
  • It may take up to a week for the vaccination ticket to arrive at your home after it is shipped.
  • Please refrain from contacting the post office to confirm delivery.

inoculation ticket

Vaccination ticket for Omicron strain

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Handling of vaccination tickets

Inoculation status

Inoculation ticket that can be used

(Currently, there are vaccination tickets for Ⓐ to Ⓓ)

Vaccine to inoculate
Those who have not been vaccinated for the 1st and 2nd doses Ⓐ Unused 1st and 2nd vaccination tickets (already sent) Conventional vaccine* Vaccine for Omicron strain cannot be vaccinated
Those who have not received the 3rd vaccination Ⓑ Unused 3rd vaccination ticket (already sent)
Ⓓ Omicron strain vaccination coupons to be sent out in sequence * Please discard Ⓑ as soon as Ⓓ arrives.

Vaccine for Omicron strain

* Completed with one vaccination

Those who have not received the 4th vaccination

Ⓒ Unused 4th vaccination ticket (already sent to some people)
Ⓓ Omicron strain vaccination coupons to be sent out sequentially

Those who have been vaccinated for the 4th time Ⓓ Vaccination ticket for Omicron strain to be sent sequentially

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Inoculation venue

Medical institutions, the Adachi Ward Medical Association, and holiday emergency clinics use vaccines manufactured by Pfizer.

Ward Office Government Building Hall will use Moderna vaccine until December 28, 2022 (Wednesday), and Pfizer vaccine from January 6, 2023 (Friday).

[12 to 15 years old] List of vaccination venues

[16 years old and over] List of vaccination venues

  • Reservation and inoculation start dates differ depending on the medical institution.
  • Even if it is not on the vaccination venue list, there are medical institutions where you can get vaccinated.
  • To vaccinate, you need a vaccination ticket from the city.
  • Please come to the vaccination venue by public transportation or park appropriately according to traffic rules.
  • If you are unable to come to the venue by yourself, you can bring your companion or children with you to the Ward Office Government Building Hall. For medical institutions, please contact each medical institution.

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Reservation method

The reservation method differs depending on the vaccination venue.

To make an appointment for vaccination, you will need your date of birth and the reservation number printed on the vaccination ticket sent by the city.

*Reservations can be made up to 2 days before the vaccination date.

Book online (24 hours reception)

Some medical institutions that offer vaccinations do not use the reservation system, so please check the list of vaccination venues .

open booking system

Open reservation system vacancy information

Book by phone


Phone number: 0120-230-377

* If you are using a smartphone, tap the phone number above to call us without fail.

day of week

Reception time
Monday-Friday 8:00~20:00
Saturday Sunday 8:00~18:00
  • This may change in the future.
  • Free dial
  • Supported languages: Japanese, English, Chinese

Make a reservation at the counter (no prior application required)

The Vaccination Reservation Support Desk will use terminals prepared by the city to make new reservations/changes/cancellations for venues where vaccination reservations can be made using the city's reservation system.

  • Location: Ward Office Central Building 2nd Floor In front of the Ward Administration Information Division
  • Reception hours: Weekdays, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

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