If you are diagnosed with a new coronavirus infection

"Frequently Asked Questions" about the new coronavirus infection

We receive many inquiries from people who have tested positive for COVID-19, and it may be difficult to respond to them. We apologize for the inconvenience, but we have prepared frequently asked questions and their answers, so please refer to them before contacting us.

"Frequently Asked Questions" (PDF: 872KB)

About contact from the public health center

At the Koto Ward Public Health Center, we are contacting those who have been diagnosed with the new coronavirus infection (positive) and who have been notified by a medical institution by SMS (Short Message Service).

Please contact us if you feel unwell

If you feel unwell before contacting the Koto Ward Public Health Center, please call the number below.

・Koto Ward Public Health Center 03-3647-5879 (8:30 to 17:00 on weekdays)

・Tokyo home care support center “Uchisapo Tokyo” 0120-670-440 (24 hours reception, 11 languages ​​available)

Sudden difficulty in breathing, high fever, etc. If you feel unwell, please call 119 immediately.

You will receive an SMS (Short Message Service) about MYHER-SYS

For health monitoring, we provide information on the health monitoring tool (MYHER-SYS) via SMS (Short Message Service). Please enter your health observation by new registration.

Please contact the public health center directly for confirmation/consultation matters to the public health center without entering them in the health observation of My Hersis.

For details, please see [About health observation using MYHER-SYS]


About treatment method

The Koto Ward Public Health Center will decide whether to admit a positive person to a hospital or an accommodation facility based on the symptoms and the risk of aggravation. Depending on the status of the infection, you may be asked to recuperate at home. In that case, the Koto Ward Public Health Center will provide support for recuperation.

〇 Neutralizing antibody drug (antibody cocktail therapy)

If you wish to receive antibody cocktail therapy using neutralizing antibody drugs, please let us know when you contact the Koto Ward Public Health Center. We will adjust the antibody cocktail therapy by hospitalization / admission. Also, please use the consultation desk in Tokyo.

Tokyo Neutralizing Antibody Drug Treatment Call Center (9:00 to 17:00, 365 days a year) 03-5320-5909


2. Restrictions during medical treatment

In order to prevent the spread of infection, we will restrict work based on Article 18 of the Act on Prevention of Infectious Diseases and Medical Care for Patients with Infectious Diseases. Therefore, you cannot go out, including to work or school, during the period of medical treatment.

3. About hospitalization and accommodation

Those who are judged to need hospital treatment, such as those who are at risk of aggravation or those with strong symptoms, will be hospitalized. The Koto Ward Public Health Center will coordinate hospitals for recuperation.

Those with mild or no symptoms who do not require hospitalization can request to be admitted to an accommodation facility provided by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government (there is no need to pay for medical expenses or meals).

[Those who are positive and subject to notification of outbreak]

If you wish to stay overnight, please consult with the Koto Ward Public Health Center.

Phone: 03-3647-5879 (weekdays from 8:30 to 17:00)

[Those who are positive and are not subject to notification of outbreak]

Please register with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Positive Person Registration Center from the website of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Bureau of Social Welfare and Public Health below. After that, please apply at the Tokyo accommodation medical treatment application counter.


Guidance of Tokyo lodging and medical facilities (link to an external site)

4.Recuperation at home (including the period until admission to hospitalization and accommodation)

To prevent the spread of infection, please do not go out and spend your time at home. Please refer to the pamphlet below for special precautions during the period of home care.

* Handbook for people recuperating at home due to the new coronavirus infection


〇 If you live with someone, please be aware of the following points.

* 8 points to be aware of at home (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare)


home care certificate For information about here What

5. About food delivery and pulse oximeter rental [Uchisapo Tokyo]

In Tokyo, we are delivering groceries and pulse oximeters to patients who have tested positive for COVID-19.

[Those who are positive and subject to notification of outbreak]

If you would like to apply, please contact the Tokyo Metropolitan Home Care Support Center (Uchisapo Tokyo) below by phone or online.

Phone: 0120-670-440 (24 hours reception, 11 languages ​​available)

Guidance (we link to the outside site) of home medical treatment support center (Uchisapo Tokyo)

[Those who are positive and are not subject to notification of outbreak]

Please register with the Tokyo Positive Person Registration Center. Food and pulse oximeter requests will be confirmed at that time.

6. Estimated end of treatment

The treatment period is 7 days from the date of onset.

Criteria for lifting medical treatment for patients with new coronavirus infection (as of September 8, 2022)

<Those with symptoms>

If 7 days have passed since the onset of symptoms and 24 hours have passed since the symptoms subsided, medical treatment can be canceled from the 8th day.

* Date of onset: The day on which some symptoms (fever, sore throat, cough, etc.) appeared

*Symptoms improved: A state in which respiratory symptoms tend to improve without the use of antipyretics and no fever.

(Example) Date of onset: September 1 End date of medical treatment: September 8 (when 24 hours have passed since symptoms subsided) Possible return date: September 9

<Those who are hospitalized>

If 10 days have passed since the onset of symptoms and 72 hours have passed since the symptoms subsided, treatment can be canceled from the 11th day.

<Asymptomatic people>

If 7 days have passed since the date of sample collection, the medical treatment can be canceled on the 8th day. In addition, if a negative result is confirmed by the test kit on the 5th day, it is possible to cancel the medical treatment after 5 days (6th day). Also, if a negative test is confirmed on the 6th day, it is possible to cancel the medical treatment on the same day (after confirming the test results).

*Since the risk of infection remains for 10 days for those with symptoms and 7 days for those without symptoms, it is important to check the health condition by yourself, such as taking a temperature, and to be with people at risk of aggravation, such as the elderly. Please take thorough infection prevention actions voluntarily, such as refraining from contact with others and actions with a high risk of infection.

* Regarding refraining from going out during the medical treatment period, if you have symptoms and 24 hours have passed since the symptoms subsided, or if you are asymptomatic, go out or interact with people for a short time, and do not use public transportation when moving. In addition, it is allowed to go out to the minimum extent necessary, such as shopping for groceries, on the premise of thoroughly taking voluntary infection prevention actions, such as wearing a mask when going out or interacting with people.

As an estimate of the end date of medical treatment, please use the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's "Calculation Tool for Estimated Treatment Period/Waiting Period for Omicron Stocks" in the link below.
Bureau of Social Welfare and Public Health, Tokyo Metropolitan Government "For those who are undergoing medical treatment and those who have been in close contact" https://www.fukushihoken.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/iryo/kansen/corona_portal/shien/index.html

No negative confirmation at the end

In the case of accommodation treatment and home treatment, we will not confirm the negative result of the new corona test at the end of the treatment.

Reference: Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare website "Q&A about the new coronavirus (for companies) 10 Others (harassment in the workplace, cancellation of job offers, dismissal/termination of employment, etc.)

"Q7 Is it possible to confirm whether the worker is infected with the new coronavirus infection when hiring the worker?"


7. Range of close contacts

The infectious period is from 2 days before the onset of the positive person.

The period from 2 days before the onset of symptoms of a positive person (2 days before the sample collection date for asymptomatic people) to the end of medical treatment is called the infectious period, which is the period during which there is a possibility of infecting the people around you. increase.

Among those who came into contact with the patient during this period, those who fall under the following categories are considered close contacts.

  1. People who live with the patient or have been in contact with the patient for a long time (in a car, on an airplane, etc.)
  2. A person who examined, nursed, or cared for a patient without adequate protection against infection
  3. Persons who are likely to have been in direct contact with contaminants such as respiratory secretions or bodily fluids of the patient
  4. In addition, people who have been in contact for more than 15 minutes without the necessary infection prevention measures (masks, etc.) at a distance where they can touch with their hands (1 meter as a guideline) comprehensively judge the infectivity of

(From the National Institute of Infectious Diseases "Proactive Epidemiological Survey Implementation Guidelines")

Please refrain from going out for 5 days if you have had close contact with the person.

For those who have been in close contact, the date of the last contact with the positive person (last contact date) is set to day 0, and for 5 days, refrain from going out, check the health condition by yourself, such as temperature measurement, and see a doctor if symptoms appear. please.
However, if the antigen qualitative test kit is used at your own expense on the second and third days and a negative result is confirmed, you will be able to cancel the waiting period from the third day. At that time, it is not necessary to contact the public health center, but continue to monitor your health until the 7th day, contact with high-risk people, visit high-risk facilities for non-essential purposes, use places with high risk of infection, have dinner, etc. Please avoid and take measures against infection such as wearing a mask.
As for the test kit, you will need to purchase a "in-vitro diagnostic" kit that has received pharmaceutical approval at your own expense at a pharmacy or the like. For applicable kits, search for "Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare In-Vitro Diagnostics" and check the list created by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.

In addition, please consult with each facility regarding the response of those who have close contact and are attending nursery schools, schools, facilities for the elderly and people with disabilities.

8. About the aftereffects of the new coronavirus infection

Even after the medical treatment period for the new coronavirus infection is over and they have recovered, there are people who are suffering from various symptoms of aftereffects. The cause of the sequelae is not clear, it may take a long time to treat, and symptoms may be seen even one year after infection. The aftereffects may become more severe, and in order to prevent deterioration, it is important not only for the patient but also for the understanding of those around them, such as family members and workplaces.

If you are having trouble with your daily life, such as those who are worried about the aftereffects of the symptoms that appeared after treatment, or if you are worried about whether to see a doctor, you are worried about yourself. Please consult your family doctor or one of the following counters.

Consultation window

Corona aftereffects consultation desk (link to Tokyo hospital management headquarters homepage) (opens in a separate window)

※Link destination: https://www.byouin.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/about/jigyou/corona/koisyo/index.html

★Please refer to

Novel Coronavirus Infectious Disease Aftereffects Leaflet (Tokyo)

※Link destination: https://www.fukushihoken.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/iryo/kansen/corona_portal/soudan/longcovid_leaflet.html

9. Completion of medical treatment for new coronavirus infection

7 days have passed since the onset of symptoms, and 24 hours have passed since the fever subsided without the use of antipyretics. If you meet the criteria, you can return to your normal life.

Asymptomatic individuals (asymptomatic carriers of pathogens) will be recuperating from the date of sample collection to the 7th day, and there will be no movement restrictions from the 8th day. In addition, if it is confirmed that the test kit on the 5th day is negative, the medical treatment can be canceled after 5 days have passed (day 6).

*Since the risk of infection remains for 10 days for those with symptoms and 7 days for those without symptoms, it is necessary to check the health condition by yourself, such as taking a temperature, and to be with people at risk of aggravation, such as the elderly. Please take thorough infection prevention actions voluntarily, such as refraining from contact with others and actions with a high risk of infection.

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