About correspondence to new coronavirus infectious disease in establishments such as welfare services for persons with disabilities
About report when new coronavirus infected person occurs
We have created the attached sheet for reporting and subsidy systems that can be used in the event of an infected person or close contact, so please check the response, etc. in the event of an infected person, etc. and report to the city. Please use the form below for reporting.
Reporting form : https://logoform.jp/form/79j2/84633 In addition, we will continue to thoroughly implement infection prevention measures, and take appropriate measures in the event that an infected person occurs, such as considering specific measures, preparing materials, and creating a BCP (Business Continuity Plan) with reference to the following. Please take a look. ● Request to report the outbreak of infected persons, etc. ●Response in case of new coronavirus infection Infection control checklist Other information
In light of the situation where infection cases have occurred at welfare service offices for persons with disabilities, etc., I would like to ask you to thoroughly implement the following measures to prevent the spread of infection.
■Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Homepage Please check the following page from time to time for notifications regarding welfare and nursing care from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/seisakunitsuite/bunya/0000121431_00097.html About the results of the survey on the status of response to the new coronavirus infectious disease Please check the following page for the results of the survey on the response to the new coronavirus infectious disease at designated offices in Shizuoka City. https://www.city.shizuoka.lg.jp/945_000009.html <past publications> ■ Regarding the response of Shizuoka City Disabled Welfare Service Offices due to the cancellation of the emergency declaration [Commuting facilities for the disabled] Regarding the response of the disability welfare service office (commuting system) due to the cancellation of the emergency declaration (May 18, 2020) [Disabled child commuter support office] Regarding the response of the support office for children with disabilities due to the cancellation of the emergency declaration (May 18, 2020) 【reference】 ● Regarding the response of business establishments such as disability welfare services after the declaration of a state of emergency (January 7, 2021) Temporary handling of personnel standards for disability welfare service establishments related to new coronavirus infectious disease (5th report) (April 28, 2020) Regarding the response of after-school day service offices due to the cancellation of the designation of areas where emergency measures should be implemented (May 15, 2020) *With the release of the January 7, 2021 "Response of Disabled Welfare Service Offices after the Declaration of a State of Emergency", this office contact has been abolished. Q& A related to after-school day services related to temporary closure of elementary schools to prevent new coronavirus infections (April 28 version) [revised version] (May 1, 2020) *With the release of the January 7, 2021 "Response of Disabled Welfare Service Offices after the Declaration of a State of Emergency", this office contact has been abolished. [Commuting facilities for the disabled] About extension of correspondence period of disability welfare service office (commuting system) based on emergency declaration (May 7, 2020) Regarding the response of disability welfare service offices (commuting services) based on the declaration of a state of emergency (April 21, 2020) ● Reference: [Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare] Temporary handling of personnel standards for disability welfare service establishments related to new coronavirus infection (4th report) [Disabled child commuter support office] ● Regarding the extension of the response period of the support office for children with disabilities based on the declaration of a state of emergency (May 7, 2020) Regarding the response of the support office for children with disabilities based on the declaration of a state of emergency (April 21, 2020) ● Reference: [Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare] Response to simultaneous school closures to prevent new coronavirus infections (Part 3) ≪New Coronavirus Infectious Disease Control Guidelines≫ ● Utilization of “Guidelines for Business Continuity at Social Welfare Facilities and Offices in Case of Outbreaks of New Influenza, etc.” (It is assumed that support facilities for persons with disabilities have established business continuity plans (BCPs) based on these guidelines.) We believe that these guidelines will be effective in dealing with the current novel coronavirus infection, so we ask that you proceed with the immediate establishment of a system for dealing with the novel coronavirus, referring to the guidelines below. ■ "Guidelines for Business Continuity at Social Welfare Facilities and Offices in Case of Outbreaks of New Influenza, etc." Reference information New Coronavirus Infectious Diseases Control Expert Meeting "Situation Analysis and Proposals for New Coronavirus Infectious Diseases Control" (April 1, 2020 ) In the above proposal, precautions to be taken at facilities are as follows: ``If an infection occurs in a welfare facility, etc., a large number of elderly people with weak resistance will be infected, and in some cases, it will be an extremely serious problem that may lead to death. Each and every person involved should be aware of this and make efforts to reduce the risk of infection. Monitor your physical condition on a daily basis and stay home if you feel even slightly unwell. You should take all possible measures such as wearing Adobe Reader is required to view PDF format files. Adobe Reader download page (open in new window) |
About correspondence to new coronavirus infectious disease in establishments such as welfare services for persons with disabilities