Consideration for human rights related to the new coronavirus infection
To Citizens (Message from the Mayor)I would like to express my gratitude to the citizens for their long-term efforts to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection and to pay close attention to it.
Based on the consent in principle, the city has decided to announce the names of companies, facilities, stores, etc. where clusters of new coronavirus infections have recently occurred. Therefore, we are promoting efforts to prevent discrimination, prejudice, and slander against infected people and their related parties. Unfortunately, however, people who work for companies and their families who have courageously and sincerely agreed to publish their names have been refused access to facilities and services simply because they are related to the company. We have received comments such as: Unprovoked discrimination, prejudice, and slander are serious violations of human rights and should never be tolerated. In particular, prejudice and other factors related to the new coronavirus prevent necessary medical examinations and accurate reporting of positive behavior history, creating a vicious cycle that further spreads the infection. Also, please be aware that spreading unfounded information about the new coronavirus infection will lead to discrimination and reputational damage, and torment unrelated people. The new coronavirus infection can infect anyone. In times like these, it is important for each of us to have a sense of compassion. Let's send ale to those who have been infected and those who are desperately working side by side with the risk of infection. And let's come together in Shizuoka City and break the chain of discrimination and the spread of infection. Mayor of Shizuoka City Nobuhiro Tanabe
Consultation desk for new coronavirusShizuoka City New Corona Anything Consultation DialPhone number: 0570-08-0567 (9:00-20:00 every day)
* This phone uses "Navi Dial", and a call charge of 10 yen is charged every 20 seconds.
Shizuoka City has established the "Shizuoka City New Corona Anything Consultation Dial" to accept all kinds of consultations related to the new coronavirus, such as medical care, living, welfare, and economics, as a consultation reception desk for relieving the concerns of citizens. Consultations on human rights issues such as unfair discrimination are accepted at the Human Rights Protection Agency (Legal Affairs Bureau) of the Ministry of Justice.Ministry of Justice website (reference)
Ministry of Justice Human Rights Consultation CounterEveryone's Human Rights 110
Children's Human Rights 110
Women's Human Rights Hotline
Foreign-language Human Rights Hotline
Internet Human Rights Consultation Desk
STOP pertaining to the new coronavirus in Shizuoka! slander youtubeWe ask for your understanding for those who cannot wear a mask."Wearing a mask" is recommended as one of the measures against infectious diseases of the new coronavirus, but due to various causes such as developmental disorders, hypersensitivity, skin diseases, respiratory diseases, etc., wearing a mask or face shield is not recommended. Some people can't wear it even if they want to. People around you may misunderstand you as selfish, look at you harshly, or even criticize you heartlessly. Understand the characteristics and circumstances of disabilities, and spend your time with a heart of compassion for each other.
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Consideration for human rights related to the new coronavirus infection