Prefectural response policy for large-scale events

Prefectural response policy for large-scale events

1 Requests to organizers

We would like to ask all of you who are planning entertainments and events to implement the following infectious disease countermeasures in addition to complying with the industry-specific guidelines.


2 Restrictions on holding events

The holding restrictions for events, etc. are as follows.


3 Administrative procedures for large-scale events

The administrative procedures required of the organizers are as follows.


1 About Infection Prevention and Safety Plan

(1) Target

Events with more than 5,000 participants * and more than 50% capacity

(2) Procedure

Organizers are requested to create an infection prevention and safety plan and submit it to the prefecture along with reference materials for the event at least two weeks before the event.

In addition, please create a result report about one month after the end of the event and submit it to the prefecture.

If a problem occurs at the event (cluster outbreak, inadequate infection prevention measures, etc.), please submit the result report to the prefecture immediately .

* “More than 5,000 participants” means that the number of participants exceeds 5,000 at peak times .

As an example, an event with 8,000 people, 4,000 in the morning and 4,000 in the afternoon, is not covered by the infection prevention and safety plan.

If it is not possible to know the number of participants in advance, such as an outdoor event, or if the capacity is not set, the expected number of participants will exceed 5,000 and the distance between people will be kept to the extent that they do not touch each other (physical distance of 1 m). cannot be secured), it will be subject to the formulation of an infection prevention safety plan.

Submission destination

(1) Events at prefectural facilities Departments in charge of facilities

(2) Events co-sponsored or sponsored by the prefecture

(3) Events other than (1) and (2) Crisis Management Department ( )

2 About the checklist

(1) Target

Events with "less than 5,000 participants or less than 50% of participants"

(2) Procedure

The organizer should create a checklist and publish it on the website, etc., to encourage participants to take infection prevention measures.

(There is no need to submit to the prefecture. Please keep the materials for about one year.)

If a problem occurs at the event (cluster outbreak, inadequate infection prevention measures, etc.), please submit the result report to the prefecture immediately .

4 Forms to be prepared, reference materials, etc.

Various styles

Restrictions on holding events (national notification)

Prefectural response policy for large-scale events

Shizuoka prefecture's infection prevention policy for holding events

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Crisis Policy Division, Crisis Management Department

9-6 Otemachi, Aoi Ward, Shizuoka City 420-8601

Phone number: 054-221-3512

Fax number: 054-221-3252


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