What is Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)?
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME)/Chronic Fatique Syndrome (CFS) is a condition in which a person who has been living a healthy life is suddenly attacked by severe general malaise of unknown cause. After that, severe fatigue, low-grade fever, headache, muscle pain, arthralgia, weakness, impaired thinking, and depressive state continue for a long time, making it impossible to lead a healthy social life. At present, the exact cause of the disease is unknown, and no clear treatment has been established.
It is different from mere fatigue ~The difference from chronic fatigue~
The symptoms of this disease are difficult to convey from the outside, and the name "chronic fatigue syndrome" is misleading, so some people misunderstand it as general "chronic fatigue." Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a disease in which ``strong general malaise'' does not ``recover'' and ``daily life becomes extremely difficult'', and is different from general chronic fatigue. is in a completely different state.
In addition to the pain of enduring the symptoms, the pain of being misunderstood by family members, workplaces, and other people around them as "slacking off", and the economic anxiety caused by not being able to work is stressful, and the symptoms are even worse. There is also
A correct understanding is required so that patients are not forced to do so due to misunderstandings.
Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is suspected if the following symptoms persist for more than 6 months or recur repeatedly:
- Fatigue that interferes with daily life persists for more than 6 months or recurs repeatedly
- have a slight fever or chills
- have a headache
- insomnia, hypersomnia
- my throat hurts
- swollen lymph nodes
- sore muscles and joints
- Unexplained muscle weakness
- Decreased ability to think or concentrate
- Tired quickly even with small movements
- lack of motivation
- I am depressed
Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is suspected when these symptoms persist or recur for more than 6 months. If you have a lot of symptoms that apply, let's consult a medical institution early.
About ME/CFS World Awareness Day
ME/CFS World Awareness Day is an annual event held on May 12 by patient groups around the world to commemorate the birthday of Nightingale, who is said to have suffered from chronic fatigue syndrome. As part of this, famous historic sites and representative buildings around the world are lit up in blue.
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Management Group, Health Policy Section, Health Promotion Department, Health Promotion Department, City of Osaka
Address: 1-3-20 Nakanoshima, Kita-ku, Osaka 530-8201 (Osaka City Hall 2F)
Phone: 06-6208-9951
Fax: 06-6202-6967