2022 Regarding implementation of general inspection related to designated business operators / facility group guidance and business management system in the comprehensive support system for persons with disabilities (*)
(*) For general inspections related to the business management system, designated disability welfare service establishments that received new designation or renewal of designation in 2021 (designated date of designation issued by Motoichi) is the business office dated from April 1, 2021 to March 1, 2022). If you have already submitted it at the time of new designation or renewal of designation, please submit it again.
About the second reception
A second application period will be set up for business operators who were unable to submit the application during the initial application period.
The notification has been sent to the target business operators by e-mail, etc. For the business operators who have received the notification, please immediately work on self-inspection and submit the following documents. Please note that there are no changes to the documents to be submitted, so please check the format of the documents to be submitted.
Please note that if you do not submit by the submission deadline, it will be treated as if you did not participate in the group guidance in 2022.
Submission deadline and submission method
〇 November 30, 2020 (Wednesday) 17:30
*Please submit using the Sakai City electronic application system (user registration is required).
〇 Link destination https://lgpos.task-asp.net/cu/271403/ea/residents/procedures/apply/adf89b75-521d-41dd-8121-9f890966a2c0/start
* Please access the above linked address and submit the documents to be submitted (user registration is required). Please note that the access period is from 9:00 on November 18, 2022 to 17:30 on November 30, 2022.
1st registration is closed
(1) 2022 Regarding the implementation of group guidance for designated businesses and facilities in the Comprehensive Support System for Persons with Disabilities
We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your cooperation in promoting the city's disability welfare administration.
I would also like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all business operators for their daily efforts to stabilize the lives of citizens, especially to support people with disabilities, amidst the current difficult situation.
By the way, regarding the group guidance for designated businesses and facilities in the Comprehensive Support System for Persons with Disabilities, which was previously held around June, due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection, in 2022, it will not be a lecture format but a written format. (Self-study using materials and submission of separate self-inspection sheets, etc.) .
Regarding the preparation of the self-inspection sheet, etc., please carefully read and answer the attached document "2022 Comprehensive Support System for Persons with Disabilities. In addition, this group guidance is for business establishments that have been designated as of June 1, 2022 .
1 Documents to be submitted
(1) Separate self-inspection sheet (all offices)
(2) Explanation of Important Matters/Confirmation Sheet for Operation Regulations (All Offices)
(3) Corona countermeasure confirmation sheet (all offices)
(Four) List of work styles for July 2022 (target offices are as follows*)
*Recuperative care, life care, short-term admission (single type only), communal living assistance, support facilities for persons with disabilities, independence training (functional training), independence training (life training), work transition support, work continuation support type A, work continuation Support type B, employment settlement support, independent living support
2022 Regarding implementation of general inspections related to designated business operators / facility group guidance and business management system in the Comprehensive Support System for Persons with Disabilities (Notice) | Download (PDF: 178KB) | |
2022 Designated business operators and facility group guidance materials in the Comprehensive Support System for Persons with Disabilities | Download (PDF: 1,639KB) | |
[Documents to be submitted ((1) to (4) below)] |
(1) Attached self-inspection sheet [all offices] | Download (Excel: 30KB) | |
(2) Explanation of Important Matters/Confirmation Sheet for Operation Regulations [All offices] | Download (word: 22KB) | |
(3) Corona countermeasure confirmation sheet [all offices] | Download (Excel: 19KB) | |
(4) List of work styles for July 2022 [Target offices are as above] | Download (Excel: 192KB) |
2022 General support system for persons with disabilities Designated business operators/facility group guidance materials in 2021 Comprehensive support system for persons with disabilities Designated business operators/facility group guidance materials (Osaka Prefectural Welfare Department Disability Welfare Office) In addition to the excerpted contents, the revision contents etc. in the revision of compensation for disability welfare services etc. in 2021 are added. For details on the revision of remuneration, Please also check the related materials posted on the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare website .
2 Submission deadline and submission method 〇 Monday, November 7, 2020 17:30
*Please submit using the Sakai City electronic application system (user registration is required).
〇 Link destination https://lgpos.task-asp.net/cu/271403/ea/residents/procedures/apply/146a8f66-23e3-4322-b4a2-58feb20f36e5/start
* Please access the above linked address and submit the documents to be submitted (user registration is required). Please note that the access period is from 9:00 on October 7, 2020 to 17:30 on November 7, 2022.
* We have sent notifications by post to businesses that have not yet submitted their email addresses, but please submit your documents using the electronic application system. In addition, in order to receive various future notifications, please create an email address and submit it to this section using the change notification form.
(2) Implementation of general inspection related to business management system
In conjunction with the implementation of group guidance for designated businesses and facilities under the Comprehensive Support System for Persons with Disabilities, confirmation of the business management system of Sakai City-designated disability welfare service providers, etc. Based on the inspection procedure (*1), We will conduct a general inspection of the business management system for businesses (corporations) (*2) that have received new or renewed business designations during FY2021.
*1 It is stipulated that inspections should be carried out every period not exceeding approximately six years.
Sakai City Designated Welfare Service Providers for Disabled Persons, etc. Operation Management System Confirmation Inspection Guidelines (PDF: 148KB)
*2 Limited to business operators (corporations) whose offices, etc. based on the Act on Comprehensive Support for Persons with Disabilities are located in Sakai City.
Regarding the implementation of the inspection, in the above group guidance, in the question about the fiscal year in which the designation or designation was renewed, the business establishment (* 3) that selected FY2021 answered, You need to submit a notification form (No. 1 style) of the matters related to
In 2022, along with the designated businesses and facility group guidance under the Comprehensive Support System for Persons with Disabilities, we will provide a data attachment column for the notification form on the electronic application system, so please submit it there.
*3 Businesses (corporations) that have received new or renewed business designations during the 3rd year of Reiwa and all designated businesses based on the Comprehensive Support Act for Persons with Disabilities are located in Sakai City.
Documents to be submitted Notification of matters related to the maintenance of the business management system based on the Act on Comprehensive Support for Persons with Disabilities (Form No. 1) (word: 30KB)
(Business establishments subject to general inspections should be submitted via the electronic application system at the time of group guidance.)
2021 Designated companies and facilities in the Comprehensive Support System for Persons with Disabilities Group Guidance
About the second reception
A second application period will be set up for business operators who were unable to submit the application during the initial application period.
The notification has been sent to the target business operators by e-mail, etc. For the business operators who have received the notification, please immediately work on self-inspection and submit the following documents. Please note that there are no changes to the documents to be submitted, so please check the format of the documents to be submitted.
Submission deadline and submission method
〇 December 8, 2021 (Wednesday) 17:30
* Please submit using the Sakai City electronic application system (user registration is required).
* Please access the above linked address and submit the documents to be submitted (user registration is required).
1st registration is closed
We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your cooperation in promoting the city's disability welfare administration.
In addition, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all business operators for their daily efforts to stabilize the lives of citizens, especially to support people with disabilities, in this difficult situation.
By the way, regarding the group guidance of designated businesses and facilities in the Comprehensive Support System for Persons with Disabilities, which is held in June every year, due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection, in 2021, as in the previous year, it will not be a lecture format. It will be held in written format (self-study using materials and submission of separate self-inspection sheets, etc.) .
Regarding the preparation of the self-inspection sheet, etc., please carefully read and answer the separate document “2021 Designated Businesses and Facilities Group Guidance Materials under the Comprehensive Support System for Persons with Disabilities”. In addition, this group guidance is for business establishments that have been designated as of August 1, 2021 .
1 Documents to be submitted
(1) Separate self-inspection sheet (all offices)
(2) Explanation of Important Matters/Confirmation Sheet for Operation Regulations (All Offices)
(3) Corona countermeasure confirmation sheet (all offices)
(Four) Work form list for August 2021 (target offices are as follows*)
*Recuperative care, life care, short-term admission (single type only), communal living assistance, support facilities for persons with disabilities, independence training (functional training), independence training (life training), work transition support, work continuation support type A, work continuation support type B, employment settlement support, independent living support)
Submission form, etc.
About Designated Businesses and Facilities Group Guidance in 2021 Comprehensive Support System for Persons with Disabilities (notice) | Download (PDF: 161KB) | |
Designated business operators and facility group guidance materials in the 2021 Comprehensive Support System for Persons with Disabilities |
Download (PDF: 1,718KB) | |
[Documents to be submitted ((1) to (4) below)] | ||
(1) Attached self-inspection sheet (all offices) | Download (Excel: 30KB) | Download (PDF: 163KB) |
(2) Explanation of Important Matters/Confirmation Sheet for Operation Regulations (all offices) | Download (word: 22KB) | Download (PDF: 352KB) |
(3) Corona countermeasure confirmation sheet (all offices) | Download (Excel: 19KB) | Download (PDF: 126KB) |
(4) List of work styles for August 2021 (target offices are as above*) | Download (Excel: 192KB) | Download (PDF: 430KB) |
Designated business operators and facilities group guidance materials in the 2021 Comprehensive Support System for Persons with Disabilities are from "2020 Designated Business Operators and Facilities Group Guidance Materials in the Comprehensive Support System for Persons with Disabilities (Osaka Prefectural Welfare Department Disability Welfare Office)" In addition to the excerpted contents, the revised contents in the 2021 revision of compensation for disability welfare services, etc. are added. Please also check the related materials posted on the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare website for the details of the revision of remuneration.
2 Submission deadline and submission method
〇 Monday, November 1, 2021 17:30
* Please submit using the Sakai City electronic application system (user registration is required).
〇 Link: https://lgpos.task-asp.net/cu/271403/ea/residents/procedures/apply/9918cec3-dfac-4631-b453-a8ba8984ab79/start
* Please access the above linked address and submit the documents to be submitted (user registration is required).
* We have sent notices by mail to businesses that have not submitted their e-mail addresses at this time.
Please submit documents using the electronic application system.
Also, create an email address to receive future notifications,
Please report change notification form to our section.
2020 Designated businesses and facilities in the Comprehensive Support System for Persons with Disabilities Group Guidance
*Please note that this section is for group instruction in 2020.
Thank you very much for your cooperation in promoting the city's disability welfare administration.
In addition, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all business operators for their daily efforts to stabilize the lives of citizens, especially to support people with disabilities, in this difficult situation.
Due to the impact of the spread of the new coronavirus, we have decided not to hold lectures for designated businesses and group guidance in the Comprehensive Support System for Persons with Disabilities, which is held every year in June. I was. Therefore, the submission of the separate self-inspection sheet will be substituted for the implementation and participation of group guidance .
Before answering, please carefully read the attached document “2020 Group Guidance Materials for Designated Businesses and Facilities under the Comprehensive Support System for Persons with Disabilities”.
1 Documents to be submitted
(1) Separate self-inspection sheet (all offices)
(2) Explanation of Important Matters/Confirmation Sheet for Operation Regulations (All Offices)
(3) July 2020 results work style list (Japanese-Chinese and communal living support offices)
About Designated Businesses and Facilities Group Guidance in 2020 Comprehensive Support System for Persons with Disabilities (Notice) | Download (PDF: 135KB) | |
Designated business operators and facility group guidance materials in the 2020 Comprehensive Support System for Persons with Disabilities |
Download (PDF: 1,526KB) | |
Documents to be submitted below | ||
(1) Attached self-inspection sheet (all offices) | Download (Excel: 28KB) | Download (PDF: 153KB) |
(2) Explanation of Important Matters/Confirmation Sheet for Operation Regulations (all offices) | Download (word: 22KB) | Download (PDF: 356KB) |
(3) List of working styles (Japanese-Chinese and communal life support offices) | Download (Excel: 192KB) | Download (PDF: 433KB) |
2 Submission deadline and submission method
〇Must arrive by Monday, August 17, 2020
* Please submit by e-mail.
〇 MAIL: jigyo-shosui*city.sakai.lg.jp (*Please change to @)
*Please be careful not to enter your email address incorrectly.
It is certain that you will reply to the guidance email from the city.
*Business offices that have not yet submitted their e-mail addresses will be notified by mail.
If you do not have an e-mail address, you can submit it by mail, but please create an e-mail address and submit a change notification form to this section in order to receive various notifications in the future.
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Person in charge of creating this page
Health and Welfare Bureau Disability Welfare Department Disability Welfare Service Division
Phone number: 072-228-7510
Fax: 072-228-8918
〒590-0078 Sakai City Hall Main Building 7F, 3-1 Minamigawaramachi, Sakai Ward, Sakai City
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