Receiving requests for dispatching sign language interpreters for consultations at medical institutions at night and on holidays

Based on the "Osaka City Ordinance on Sign Language Connecting Hearts" and the "Osaka City Sign Language Promotion Policy", Osaka City aims to realize a society in which people who need sign language can communicate using sign language with peace of mind in their daily lives. We are making various efforts.

As part of this, we accept requests from medical institutions or the Osaka Municipal Fire Department to dispatch sign language interpreters registered with Osaka City for emergency visits to medical institutions at night or on holidays.

Utilization time

Weekdays (Monday to Friday): 0:00 to 9:00 and 17:30 to 24:00

Saturday: 0:00 to 9:00 and 12:00 to 24:00

Sundays and public holidays: all day

(You will be connected to a call center that operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.)

Night/holiday sign language interpreter dispatch request phone number


(You will be connected to the call center only during usage hours.)

How to Use

If a hearing-impaired person who visits the hospital at night or on holidays wishes to have a sign language interpreter dispatched, please call the call center from the medical institution to request dispatch.

If you use this service, be sure to submit a "Medical Institution Night/Holiday Sign Language Interpreter Dispatching Report" to the sign language interpreter dispatch center (Osaka City Association of Disabled Persons) on the next business day. (Please submit by fax or email.)




Please note that this is an urgent request for a sign language interpreter dispatch, and we may not be able to dispatch a sign language interpreter due to delays in coordination.

(In that case, the call center will contact you to the effect that dispatch is not possible.)

Address to send reports to

Fax number 06-6765-7407

Email address

Medical institution night/holiday sign language interpreter dispatch usage report

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Creator of this page and contact information

Osaka City Welfare Bureau Persons with Disabilities Policy Department Disability Welfare Division Promotion Group

Address: 1-3-20 Nakanoshima, Kita-ku, Osaka 530-8201 (Osaka City Hall 6F)

Phone: 06-6208-8081

Fax: 06-6202-6962

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