Prevent hearing frailty

Do you know hearing frailty

Hearing frailty is the loss of hearing function.
It is one of the physical declines (frailty), including communication problems and deterioration of QOL caused by the deterioration of hearing function.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, people are refraining from going out and have less contact with other people, making it harder to notice hearing problems.
Hearing loss leads to reluctance to speak and narrow range of activities, which leads to lack of communication and increases the risk of dementia and depression.

check your hearing

As a result of refraining from receiving medical examinations and medical examinations due to the corona sickness, it is possible that despite the fact that hearing is gradually declining, it is neglected.
If you have a smartphone or tablet, please use the app "Minna no Hearing Ability Check".
By checking regularly, you can detect the decline of hearing function at an early stage and lead to the prevention of hearing frailty.
For details on how to download "Minna no Hearing Ability Check" Please see the "Minna no Hearing Ability Check" web page (external link) .
People who cannot use the app can check at each care prevention center in the city (reservation required).
Please consult in advance over the counter of the Long-term Care Prevention Center or by phone.

Download the "Minna no Hearing Ability Check" app (Android version)

Download the “Minna no Hearing Ability Check” app (iPhone/iPad version)

"Hearing Brain Power" and "Hearing Frailty" are registered trademarks of Universal Sound Design Co., Ltd.

Check at the health center

Hearing frailty prevention event "Hearing frailty check" will be held.
Talks about hearing frailty, hearing tests using the app "Minna no Hearing Brain Ability Check", etc.
For event details and registration, please see the "Corona Frailty Prevention Event" page .
The event published in the October issue of Toyonaka Newsletter has ended.

If you are concerned about your hearing

If you have a family doctor or a nearby otolaryngologist, or if you have a hearing aid, please consult the store where you purchased it or a hearing aid consultation doctor.

List of otolaryngologists in the city (hearing test/hearing aid prescription cooperating medical institutions)(PDF:97KB)

Hearing aid consultation physicians are doctors registered in the hearing aid consultation physician system, which aims to appropriately select and use hearing aids that are effective for hearing loss that hinders communication. You can search from the Japan Society of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, "Certified Hearing Aid Consultant List" (external link) .

About hearing loss

What is hearing loss? The inability to hear is called "deafness".

transmission sound Denon Hearing loss can sometimes be improved with surgery Conductive hearing loss occurs when there is some kind of disorder in the outer or middle ear. Otitis externa, acute otitis media, etc. are often temporary symptoms, and often improve with drug administration.
On the other hand, otitis media with effusion, eardrum perforation (chronic otitis media), and otosclerosis may be improved by surgery. Even in cases where treatment is difficult, if appropriate sound is delivered to the inner ear by wearing a hearing aid, hearing is often possible without problems. Please see an otolaryngologist.

sensorineural Kanon Hearing loss requires the use of hearing aids Sensorineural hearing loss is caused by damage to the inner ear, cochlear nerve, or brain. There are acute sudden hearing loss, chronic noise-induced hearing loss, age-related hearing loss, and congenital hearing loss. Acute hearing loss may improve with early drug treatment. Prevention of noise-induced hearing loss is important. Age-related hearing loss is currently difficult to treat, but supplementing hearing with hearing aids can prevent dementia and improve quality of life. For those with severe hearing loss, cochlear implant surgery may restore hearing.

Mixability Kongosei Hearing loss is treated according to symptoms Mixed hearing loss is a combination of conductive and sensorineural hearing loss. Since there are individual differences in whether the symptoms of conductive hearing loss or sensorineural hearing loss are stronger, various treatments and hearing aids are used depending on the symptoms.

Mechanism of age-related hearing loss Difficulty hearing is due to a decrease in the number of "cells that sense sound"

Hearing loss that has no specific cause other than aging is called age-related hearing loss.
Age-related hearing loss is a sensorineural hearing loss that affects the part of the body that senses sound. The main cause is that hair cells in the cochlea are damaged due to aging, the number of them decreases, and the auditory hair falls out. Hair cells have the role of sensing and amplifying sounds, so if they are damaged, they will not be able to send sound information to the brain.
In addition to problems with the inner ear, damage to the neural pathways that carry sound from the inner ear to the brain, and reduced cognitive capacity in the brain, may also play a role, and multiple causes may be involved. is thought to occur

age year Don't assume it's because of There are other causes besides aging.
In a nutshell, age-related hearing loss is the deterioration of hearing function due to aging, so unfortunately there is no fundamental treatment. The important thing is to use hearing aids as early as possible to improve your hearing and maximize your ability to distinguish between words. In addition, it is not just "age-related hearing loss", but "conductive hearing loss" due to otitis media, "sensorineural hearing loss" due to noise or viruses, etc. may develop, or the hearing loss may progress further. In that case, it may be possible to treat it with medication or surgery, so be sure to see an otolaryngologist instead of assuming that your hearing loss is due to your age.

Posted from the website of the Japanese Society of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery

Preventive measures for hearing loss

Try to live an ear-friendly life

Do not watch TV or listen to music at high volume

Avoid places where there is constant loud noise, such as noise.

Wear earplugs if you work in a noisy environment

Make time for your ears to rest in a quiet place

Lifestyle changes to slow aging

Management of lifestyle-related diseases Nutritionally balanced diet

moderate exercise

regular sleep

no smoking

For early detection and early treatment, visit an otolaryngologist regularly!

Hearing test at an otolaryngologist

Early support for hearing with hearing aids

Posted from the website of the Japanese Society of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery

Ear training you can do right now

How you hear changes with fatigue.
Let's incorporate ear training into our lives for ourselves and those around us.

"Difficult to hear" can be cured Ear training (Daiwa Bunko) by Masafumi Nakagawa

Temporal muscle relaxation

  1. Massage your temples with your index and middle fingers in a circular motion. (10 times)
  2. Similarly, massage just above the ears. (10 times)
  3. In the same way, massage the “hairline behind the ear” in 3 places while shifting 3 cm toward the nape. (10 times each)

ear pull

  1. Sit in a chair and stretch your spine.
  2. Raise your left arm and pinch your ear from behind, slowly pull straight up and hold for 5 seconds
  3. Do the same on the other side.

Posted from the basic text of the Hearing Frailty Supporter Training Course

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